I always go to Ilta-Sanomat for my reliable F1 news so it must be true. At least it's not one of those rumours where tweeter or facebook are the sources. This time unless it's all made up, they must be getting the news from Raikkonen's side or Ferrari, I wonder which one it is, hmm? I'd say the same source "basically signed for RB" info came from.sennafan24 wrote:Reports in Finland believe that Kimi is going to choose Ferrari.
http://f1pulse.com/news/201308137/raikk ... ish-report
Very interesting.
In AMUS they claimed that Ferrari rumours were invented by Kimi's management to have a leverage in Lotus negotiations in case RB chose Ricciardo. I have no opinion about it but true or not I don't think there's a need for that. Lopez is eating out of Raikkonen's hand and is so gullible that threat of leaving F1 as the greatest loss to the team and motorsport would be enough to get anything from him.