Post here all non technical related topics about Formula One. This includes race results, discussions, testing analysis etc. TV coverage and other personal questions should be in Off topic chat.
Illien wrote:No one drives the machine harder, no one bangs it so hard lap after lap into the kerb. Ferrari will have to build Kimi a tank if they want to win the title with him.
"I was having a ---" - Kimi Riakkonens response to Martin Brundles questioning of why he had missed Peles presentation to Michael Schumacher before the Brazilian GP 2006.
I expect now that some mechanic person from mclaren will tell as a story that Kimi was so fast that the wings were too weak to not break, or he looked to much in the mirror that they had to fall every second race.
Jason I hope one day you are on judge judy being accused of something... I love to see your defense
Simon: Nils? You can close in now. Nils?
John McClane: [on the guard's phone] Attention! Attention! Nils is dead! I repeat, Nils is dead, ----head. So's his pal, and those four guys from the East German All-Stars, your boys at the bank? They're gonna be a little late.
Simon: [on the phone] John... in the back of the truck you're driving, there's $13 billon dollars worth in gold bullion. I wonder would a deal be out of the question?
John McClane: [on the phone] Yeah, I got a deal for you. Come out from that rock you're hiding under, and I'll drive this truck up your ass.