Does anyone know where to find detailed technical information on vintage F1 cars? Cars in particular would be the McLaren MP7a, Lotus 49, or Ferrari 312 (but any would really do).
In particular, I'm curious to how they were constructed and engineered. Any details on suspension geometry, construction materials, and chassis layout would be greatly appreciated. Any and all pics of the cockpit are welcome. I'm not too concerned with information regarding the engines, weight, or how successful they were.
Shortly I will begin to design our next FASE (aka: Formula Student) car and I'd like to look to the past for inspiration. Out last car was a complete failure and our current challenger is complex to the point that its a several hour job to adjust roll stiffness...and its a bit homely too.
Aside from a few books, I really have 0 information to design a car. If our past cars were successful, I would be able to evolve certain aspects - but I don't have that privilege. Every car we've built has been from a clean sheet, so I find it no surprise that every car has had quirks. I'd like a simple platform to base the next few cars on, thus I'm interested in what they did and how they did it in the late 60's w/o the help of computers.
Thank you for your time,