strad wrote:From the things you post it makes one wonder who the heck is running things?
Have you rented an RV space from COTA? Hope you have an onboard generator.
This was just posted on another forum. Oy.
"FYI to anyone who bought the onsite RV parking/4 GA tickets for $1k. They are saying now that you are not allowed to run a generator unless it was a standard piece of enclosed equipment on your RV, and that you have to buy power from them for $400.
Not a single mention of this when tickets were sold."
My buddy was hounding them for weeks trying to determine when the gates would open and the exact time we would be allowed to enter. They blew him off him for a while and finally passed him on to a women who is running the RV site. She gave him that info.
Incidentally, the tickets just arrived Thursday and there was no mention of this in the enclosed info there, either.
I think they are going to have a tough time enforcing this when you get a few hundred people showing up with generators and them all being told, "Sorry, we forgot to mention, you still owe us $400 more dollars that we never told you about and allowed you to budget for".
Those spots went on sale on July 2 iirc. Turns out on September 30 they sent out an email that included notification of the change. So they waited almost 3 months to tell people about this requirement. Nicely done, COTA.
ETA: So it looks like COTA has reacted & has sent out a clarification email. Funny how that always seems to work with them. LMAO. The problem there is, as with the Sep 30 email, the info seems to only be available to people who have already purchased spots. Might affect sales to let
everyone know. :/
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