2013 USGP Tickets

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Re: 2013 USGP


A lot of people have been asking about the condition of the COTA grounds after the recent flooding. I thought I had posted this here already, but I guess not. I posted this in response to a question on Motorsport Mayhem about the condition of the grounds. Keep in mind, these pics are from the SVRA weekend, hours after a mere 1/3" rain on Saturday night. They are not from after the big floods.
How are things looking around the track area with all the rain in the past few days?
After the Halloween flooding it was reported that the lower areas of the COTA property had flooded, as did many low areas immediately surrounding the track. Apparently the tunnels flooded also. Amazing that they have no drainage.

During the SVRA event last weekend (before the much bigger Halloween storm) there was mud & standing water everywhere hours after the rain ended & some of the footpaths were heavily eroded from rains over the past few weeks. The turn 1 GA area would have been a disaster with an F1 turnout there & at least one grass high-traffic area was reduced to a muddy mess even with by far the smallest race day crowd they've ever seen.

Here, you be the judge.These were taken during the SVRA event with paid admission. Imagine the scenes with an F1 crowd:

The high-traffic "walkway" from the paddock to the esses & the stdium complex. This was taken in the morning. It was much worse later:

Just behind a main straight hospitality area. During the first few sessions on Sunday, walking through here was our only path from the Main GS to the T1 GS:

The T1 GA area and the bottleneck traffic area between it and the T1 concessions/restrooms:


Behind the T1GS:

Standing water in the walkway along the esses:

On a somewhat related note, here's the nearest open "restroom facility' we could find to T1 when my son needed to go. It was behind the Main GS. We had to walk all the way down from the T1GS to find this:

In summary....pray for dry weather for the race. COTA is certainly not prepared for the alternative.
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Re: 2013 USGP


Looks like they've added "Formula Vintage" to the USGP weekend schedule. I guess that's the Historic GP guys?
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Joined: 13 Nov 2010, 22:47

Re: 2013 USGP


BTW, COTA is taking a beating on their Facebook page over USGP ticket delays, apparently deleting posts by angry customers.

In a KVUE article today they said that:

- all the tickets have been sent (customers are telling us otherwise)
- they're only a week late (bullshit. they're a month late according to COTA's own website), and
- the only remaining problems are with customers who moved or changed addresses. That prompted a flood of responses on our page from people saying they're using the same addresses as last year and haven't heard a thing about the tickets.

9 days out from FP1. This is crazy.
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Re: 2013 USGP


In this story, just as we're seeing elsewhere, COTA's story about the ticket delays seems to contradict customer accounts of emails they've received.

In some customer emails, COTA says they've "mailed our last batch of tickets this past Monday, Nov. 4th". In others as late as today, they're saying that tickets "will be mailed out shortly via USPS".

So far COTA has blamed address updates, a printing problem, Ticketmaster, and FOM. Who's next?

https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www ... 4aBZk92TUg
Last edited by hairy_scotsman on 07 Nov 2013, 03:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2013 USGP


I've had my tickets for about two weeks now.

Joined: 13 Nov 2010, 22:47

Re: 2013 USGP


So, apparently some folks got this email today:
Thank you for your patience. Circuit of the Americas mailed our last batch of tickets this past Monday, Nov. 4th, so your tickets should arrive by Friday, Nov. 8th. I cannot provide a tracking number at this time as we are still waiting on that list from Fedex. However, TicketMaster apparently mailed tickets themselves (which was not planned) via USPS Regular Mail, in which case your tickets might not arrive until next week.

In the case that their arrival is too late for you to receive them, you will need to pick up your tickets at will call. Please contact us with your order # so that we can process a will call request for you, so you will be able to pick up your tickets at the General Plaza at the track beginning Monday, Nov. 11th. Please see our will call policies below, and thank you for your patience
...and this statement was released 2 hours ago on their FB page:
Official Statement from Circuit of The Americas Regarding Tickets:

"COTA's F1 USGP tickets have been shipped. They went out a week later than we originally anticipated due to some design and informational updates that Formula One Management required us to make to the ticket stock. We apologize for the delay, but guests should be receiving their tickets via FedEx or through the U.S. Postal Service, depending on whether they purchased them from COTA or ordered them online through Ticketmaster.

We are currently working to identify updated addresses for some patrons who may have moved since they placed their orders, and will get those fans their tickets as soon as possible.

We know everyone is eager to have their tickets, and we’re working to make that happen."

>> If you have not received your tickets and would like us to look up how and when they shipped, please send us a private message with your order number and when you plan on leaving for/arriving in Austin.
- First off..."General" Plaza? WTF is that? I know what they meant, but it's called the Grand Plaza. COTA can't even get their own terminology right in emails to people who may not be familiar enough with the place to know on their own what to ask directions to.
- USPS...that means tickets sent that way can arrive no sooner next week than Tuesday. Monday is Veteran's Day.
- A week late? No. Try a month late according to your own website. Better off not using this blatant lie as an excuse when it's so easy to shoot down. It just makes you look like even bigger arrogant idiots, if that's possible.
- Ticket changes forced by FOM? Ha! Yeah right COTA. The only reason FOM would have them make last minute changes causing late delivery would be if they --- it up in the first place...and a WEEK late? They're so full of ---. These tickets are already a month late according to their own site. So in these two statements they blame FOM, Ticketmaster, and address changes. They have also blamed printing problems. So it's everyone's fault but theirs!

What an epic mess.
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Re: 2013 USGP


Cars & gear are now showing up at the track & people don't have their tickets.


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Re: 2013 USGP


Good info.
Sadly I won't be able to attend to this GP even though I have a ticket for T12 section 3 (Grandstand).
I’d be willing to sale it for less than it cost me if any of you are interested.
Just send me a PM.

Joined: 13 Nov 2010, 22:47

Re: 2013 USGP


Jalopnik: What The Hell Is Going On With Tickets For The US Grand Prix?
http://jalopnik.com/what-the-hell-is-go ... socialflow

Statesman: MIA F1 tickets have some fans angry
http://www.statesman.com/weblogs/formul ... ans-angry/

Autoweek: Ticket distribution for Formula One's Austin race has turned into a fiasco for COTA
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Re: 2013 USGP


Didn't they say yesterday that the last of the tickets had been shipped?
@StatesmanGP: @dawilson @circuitamericas I was told they'd all be shipped by tomorrow. We'll see.
3:32pm · 8 Nov 13 · TweetDeck
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Re: 2013 USGP


Just in case you want to do both, the time for the Texas vs Oklahoma State Football game has been set at 2:30.

http://www.statesman.com/weblogs/formul ... ck-230-pm/
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Re: 2013 USGP Tickets


Just received my tickets in the mail. (Whew)

After all that waiting I was disappointed to find 3 old school laser printed paper tickets? I was thinking for the money they'd be epically designed, laminated 3-day passes. :cry:
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Re: 2013 USGP


hairy_scotsman wrote:A lot of people have been asking about the condition of the COTA grounds after the recent flooding. I thought I had posted this here already, but I guess not. I posted this in response to a question on Motorsport Mayhem about the condition of the grounds. Keep in mind, these pics are from the SVRA weekend, hours after a mere 1/3" rain on Saturday night. They are not from after the big floods.
How are things looking around the track area with all the rain in the past few days?
After the Halloween flooding it was reported that the lower areas of the COTA property had flooded, as did many low areas immediately surrounding the track. Apparently the tunnels flooded also. Amazing that they have no drainage.

During the SVRA event last weekend (before the much bigger Halloween storm) there was mud & standing water everywhere hours after the rain ended & some of the footpaths were heavily eroded from rains over the past few weeks. The turn 1 GA area would have been a disaster with an F1 turnout there & at least one grass high-traffic area was reduced to a muddy mess even with by far the smallest race day crowd they've ever seen.

Here, you be the judge.These were taken during the SVRA event with paid admission. Imagine the scenes with an F1 crowd:

The high-traffic "walkway" from the paddock to the esses & the stdium complex. This was taken in the morning. It was much worse later:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 0687_o.jpg

In summary....pray for dry weather for the race. COTA is certainly not prepared for the alternative.

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Re: 2013 USGP Tickets


Flynfrog...God I hope not, but the potential is definitely there.
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Joined: 13 Nov 2010, 22:47

Re: 2013 USGP Tickets


slimfitcasual wrote:Just received my tickets in the mail. (Whew)

After all that waiting I was disappointed to find 3 old school laser printed paper tickets? I was thinking for the money they'd be epically designed, laminated 3-day passes. :cry:
Yeah that has a whole lot of people upset, as does the switcharoo of delivery method to USPS when people paid for Fedex Tracking. It's....not good. We're hearing some other very disturbing things, too, but I'm sure it all come out soon enough if true.

Y'all need to check out the COTA Facebook page. They are just getting hammered mercilessly.


It doesn't matter what kinda happy --- they post, people just throw it in their face & hammer away on the tickets, the Fedex Tracking charges for USPS service, etc. Same on our page. We've been posting a lot about the tickets, sure, but also other stuff about the race. No matter what we post, people are hammering away. One guys's telling people to do chargebacks on their credit cards over the Fedex/USPS thing. Vance found their Austin BBB rating. "F". Another guy posted this:

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