The year is 1994. its an XLT. I currently have a 2.3 gas. It has a 5 speed auto with a shift kit in it. I do not need to tow anything but on the rare occasion. As for the rear. its a stock rear from what I know.

My biggest concern is when I go to get my safety sticker at the local lube shop.
I have also heard you can do a conversion of your engine but that would take a new block or something along with with crank, pistons, connectors and wrist pins maybe even a timing kit.
Do I really need to reregister the truck? I would like to do the least work possible. I would like to go with the conversion kit.
I would do this for commuting and the fuel consumpition. As a 4 banger it would get about 30-45mpg. Thats why I was thinking of a 3-cylinder.
Not to mention it would have some real torque power!
PS. I hope to get a new job soon. This would help with money matters.