Not sure how F1-related this is, but with the test coming up, I thought it might be worth getting a definitive answer to a question which has vexed many an F1 fan.
I've heard it pronounced every conceivable way, and a few inconceivable ones, by F1 commentators, team principals, etc.:
1. Jerez, with a hard J and a Z, just like it's spelled
2. Zherez, soft J and a Z - this is how I pronounce it
3. Sheresh or Sherish, possibly the correct way, at least according to Wikipedia
4. Heref, not sure where the F comes from, Portuguese?
5. Hereth, Arabic???
6. Zerez, with two Z's
7. Yerez, yikes!
8. Werez, I guess that's like Juarez, but in Spain
9. Any and all combinations of the above.
And to add to the confusion, I've also seen it spelled Jeres, Xerez and Xeres.
Anyone know for sure, or should we all just refer to it as "That Place Where the First Test is Done"?