Yes, more info has arrived

chassis plate says advance composites 1752 group ref number
014267 number 1,made for theodore and supplied to sid taylor team
manager of theodore at the time in 1980's
So it's a theodore! On the picture there were exhausts and turbos for a DFX which aren't included, seems rather dodgy to keep parts of another car there as well but the owner does have an indy theodore as well. Advanced composites is british isn't it, maybe they kept some files on their old projects? Any insiders on this forum?
Arghh, this is getting more and more confusing! Especially while the car originally had a Hewland FGA gearbox which is usally used in combination with a Cosworth DFV. I asked the owner to take a clearer shot of the body of the car which I hope he will have in next couple of days.
I have the feeling this might be a prototype car.
I also posted this topic on the forum by the way. Anyone knows a good indy-car / CART resource site? Maybe some more info there, I can't find one with google sadly. If this is an indy-car, did they use carbon fibre monocoques at the time(1983-1984)?