Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries

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Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries


Within the liveries forum we had some lively debate about tobacco sponsorship. Now here is a twist that recently came to mind. In the USA many states have been decriminalizing, or even legalizing marijuana. The two U.S. Senators from Kentucky are also strongly in favor of nationwide legalization. It is widely believed that if marijuana is legalized at the national level then the "Tobacco" companies will quickly jump into the market. If this happens this could once again provide opportunity for race teams to secure sponsorship from these companies.

Of course at the international level the legal status of Marijuana in each nation becomes an issue. Does anyone know what the laws are in the F1 hosting nations. Is there any chance that this series of events could take place, or is this just ridiculous thinking?

Now for the guys in the liveries forum...this could be fun. Imagine VW sponsoring an F1 car painted up like a 1960's hippy microbus.

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Re: Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries



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Re: Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries


Nice thought. And I am all for legalizing it.


Though probably where i live it'll be legalized some 100 years later than the rest of the world lol.
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Re: Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries


Moxie wrote:Of course at the international level the legal status of Marijuana in each nation becomes an issue.
That´s what happens when governments take data out of their own . . . and not rely on actual facts regarding said substance.
Add some propaganda on top of that and you have a very uneducated, ignorant public towards the substance.

There´s very little science involved in the decision making regarding Cannabis (Marijuana is the wrong term and originates from a slang for a tobacco plant in....Mexico i believe?)
Eventually the dinosaurs in politic will die and younger people that uses real facts and real science can make the appropriate decisions regarding whatever substance is being discussed.

Funny thing happened in Sweden a couple of days ago. A news article popped up saying that on the day of the legalization in Colorado, 37 people instantly died.
This was satire and anyone who knows anything about the subject would realize that.

But not a swedish politician, she tweeted about it and embarrassed herself in front of the whole nation.
This deluded old woman also worked with anti drug campaigns her whole career which really made everyone realize just how stupid she is.
It´s scary when you realize that the people that run the country are not smarter then a cat.
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Re: Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries


I doubt we'll ever see sponsorship of cannabinoid products. F1 has to keep a more or less PC image, and must be seen as a proper advertising platform, because that's where it gets its revenue from. F1 breaks its tradition to open champagne in Bahrain and substitutes it with sparkling juice. This should tell you enough about what will happen with cannabinoid sponsorship.

Less on topic, personally, I can't see how any argument to keep "soft" drugs illegal does not apply to tobacco or alcohol. However, this all reminds me of the pilot episode of Boardwalk Empire, when the mobsters are holding a party to celebrate the beginning of the alcohol prohibition in the US.
SectorOne wrote:There´s very little science involved in the decision making regarding Cannabis (Marijuana is the wrong term and originates from a slang for a tobacco plant in....Mexico i believe?)
Eventually the dinosaurs in politic will die and younger people that uses real facts and real science can make the appropriate decisions regarding whatever substance is being discussed.
The sad thing is, nobody that uses real facts and science in an honest way would do for a good politician. Even if she were charismatic. And she would never reach a position of power anyway.
I am not amazed by F1 cars in Monaco. I want to see them driving in the A8 highway: Variable radius corners, negative banking, and extreme narrowings that Tilke has never dreamed off. Oh, yes, and "beautiful" weather tops it all.

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Kiril Varbanov
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Re: Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries


I'd say - legalize it - people smoke it anyway.

On the topic - I doubt that any serious advertiser will tie his drug related product with the high-precision and concentration world of F1.

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Re: Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries


Kiril Varbanov wrote:On the topic - I doubt that any serious advertiser will tie his drug related product with the high-precision and concentration world of F1.
You mean, like alcohol and tobacco? Come on! Johnnie Walker has road safety campaigns for heavens' sake!
I am not amazed by F1 cars in Monaco. I want to see them driving in the A8 highway: Variable radius corners, negative banking, and extreme narrowings that Tilke has never dreamed off. Oh, yes, and "beautiful" weather tops it all.

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Re: Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries


Yea Ferrari has Marlboro, Force India has an alcohol advertisement as well.
You are only fooling yourself if you don´t think Alcohol, Tobacco and Caffeine in your coffee is not drugs.
In fact all three are many orders of magnitude more dangerous then for example Cannabis.

(i´m not promoting or condoning any drugs, i just like to know the facts and not some crap coming out of a politician´s mouth)
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Re: Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries


I must say that I I started this thread because I enjoy the lively debate. I support legalization, but as a former biochemist/molecular biologist I have questions. Background: My research was directed toward developing a viral vector for gene therapy with the intent of treating lung cancer and cystic fibrosis.

I couldn't care less if it is a "drug." I wake up every morning to my upper - caffeine - and I wind down every night with my downer - alcohol. Just like alcohol, THC must be used responsibly, and I think that appropriate laws regarding driving and performing certain jobs should apply. Furthermore, laws concerning second hand smoke should also apply. As someone whose career depends upon passing very sensitive drug tests, I cannot sit in a restaurant next to a table of pot smokers.

In terms of health, it doesn't matter what you smoke, you are still taking a bunch of chemicals and particulate matter into the lungs and this is not healthy. In patients, it is true that the health benefits outweigh the health risks. Initial studies do suggest a link between cannabis smoking and cancer. Therefore, I personally believe that before we even go down that road, cannabis should be treated like tobacco for advertizing purposes. Just like tobacco, I don't want it to be advertized to children, including sports sponsorship, and the negative health effects need to be researched and the information made very public. ... use-cancer

The lung cancer side of my research involved using Adeno-Associated Virus to carry the p53 gene into the cancer cells to replace the damaged genes. The linked article discusses the relation between benzyprene and the p53 gene. While I have been out of the field for 16 years, and I do not have the evidence to back up the following statement, I will make it anyway: CANNABIS CAUSES LUNG CANCER. Automotive exhaust also causes lung cancer, but I drive my car every day, and I attend car races. The question that need to be answered are what is the incidence rate of cancer in relationship to exposure to cannabis smoke. I predict that the relationship does not bode well for for the stoners.

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Re: Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries


In terms of health, it doesn't matter what you smoke, you are still taking a bunch of chemicals and particulate matter into the lungs and this is not healthy.
Yes but if you vaporize the active ingredients, the particulate matter and combustion by-products are not inhaled.

As for lung cancer, check this out: ... ection_105
A number of studies have yielded conflicting evidence regarding the risks of various cancers associated with Cannabis use.

A pooled analysis of three case-cohort studies of men in northwestern Africa (430 cases and 778 controls) showed a significantly increased risk of lung cancer among tobacco smokers who also inhaled Cannabis.[5]

A large, retrospective cohort study of 64,855 men aged 15 to 49 years from the United States found that Cannabis use was not associated with tobacco-related cancers and a number of other common malignancies. However, the study did find that, among nonsmokers of tobacco, ever having used Cannabis was associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer.[6]
Last edited by tuj on 10 Jan 2014, 19:17, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries


Miguel wrote:I doubt we'll ever see sponsorship of cannabinoid products.


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Re: Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries


Moxie wrote: ... use-cancer

The lung cancer side of my research involved using Adeno-Associated Virus to carry the p53 gene into the cancer cells to replace the damaged genes. The linked article discusses the relation between benzyprene and the p53 gene. While I have been out of the field for 16 years, and I do not have the evidence to back up the following statement, I will make it anyway: CANNABIS CAUSES LUNG CANCER.
Are you sure you have actually read the article?

I agreed up until you made that blanket statement.

Reading the very link you posted it´s crystal clear there´s contradictions among the different studies so to make a statement out of that, knowing that, is not a scientific nor intelligent way of doing things.

You have reports saying it does, you have reports saying it doesn´t, you have reports saying there´s a link, you have reports saying they can´t find a link.

You even have reports of Cannabis killing cancer cells.
That just there should tell you that making a blanket statement is not the smartest thing to do.

Conclusion = obviously more data is needed before anyone make any statements. Let´s stick to definitive facts and if the facts contradict each other you get more facts.
Last edited by SectorOne on 10 Jan 2014, 19:21, edited 2 times in total.
"If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother that person is a piece of sh*t"

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Re: Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries


Jamaican Grand Prix anyone? :lol:

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Re: Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries


tuj wrote:Jamaican Grand Prix anyone? :lol:
F1 fans should be lucky, beacuse Tilkes makes a lot grassless circuits nowadys...
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Re: Marijuana Sponsorship ??? Liveries


SectorOne wrote:Yea Ferrari has Marlboro, Force India has an alcohol advertisement as well.
You are only fooling yourself if you don´t think Alcohol, Tobacco and Caffeine in your coffee is not drugs.
In fact all three are many orders of magnitude more dangerous then for example Cannabis.

(i´m not promoting or condoning any drugs, i just like to know the facts and not some crap coming out of a politician´s mouth)

I was being sarcastic...
I am not amazed by F1 cars in Monaco. I want to see them driving in the A8 highway: Variable radius corners, negative banking, and extreme narrowings that Tilke has never dreamed off. Oh, yes, and "beautiful" weather tops it all.

"Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future." Niels Bohr