Yes i know. My post was just a spin-off of what you discussed and not directly aimed at you specifically, hence the no quotation.Miguel wrote:SectorOne wrote:Yea Ferrari has Marlboro, Force India has an alcohol advertisement as well.
You are only fooling yourself if you don´t think Alcohol, Tobacco and Caffeine in your coffee is not drugs.
In fact all three are many orders of magnitude more dangerous then for example Cannabis.
(i´m not promoting or condoning any drugs, i just like to know the facts and not some crap coming out of a politician´s mouth)
I was being sarcastic...
It was just to say that we do have drug advertisement in F1 already even though Tobacco is a bit of a shadow-PR at the moment.
The rest of the post was just aimed at the other part of discussion and had no relation to your post.