This corner is unsuitable for motocyclist, specially because of the concrete walls that allow no margin for error and it is a potential death trap for a falling pilot. The rumours state that FIM has already come to terms with Indianapolis managers to modify the inner track layout.
I've heard, in other sites, arguments in favor of oval racing in F1. I know perfectly that the problem between oval racing, favored by the american public, an expert in the theme, and the street racing fans, that still long in their hearts for the Mille Miglia spirit of man and machine against an hostile road, resides in the safety factor: there is no way to make safe an oval without developing new lateral barriers that are, still, imperfect. There has been inventions on the last years for side-crashs, but I dare to say that any carbon fiber tub designed to hit laterally a wall at 300 kph is a hard proposition, no matter how perfect track engineers make that damn barriers.
Some of you (besides Tomba, the magnificent) MUST have noticed the changes on the lateral protection in this year cars and the changes in the general disposition of that part of the chassis. It is not just an aerodynamic change: even taking this in account, simply there is no space for crushing the chassis and allow for a deccent deaceleration in an accident and the human body is poorly designed to fall laterally... sigh.
I've seen, oh, so many times, this point become heated arguments in this site. Some argue about the inability of europeans to understand this way of "collective racing", in which high speed trains of drivers fight each other and the last turn is as exciting as the first. I've also see people (that I bet are unfamiliar with this form of racing and have the slightest idea of who King Petty is

Anyway, what do you think F1 needs to really become the ultimate motorsport and finally, for the relief of north-american (and some south-americans!) fans, have a full oval race? I bet this could be one of the most exciting of the year, not to mention that Indianapolis has a 300,000 spectators capacity.
I frankly dream of a day when we have, not only the street racing (a look to the past?) that FIA proposes lately (hey, they are thinking of bringing the sport to the masses, simply it's not the same on TV) but oval racing in F1.
I dare to dream, also, of a real World Cup, in which specialist of both flavors of racing fight each other to define once and for all, who is the best. A real World Driver Championship, not simply a WDC-at-this-side-of-the-ocean-because-the-other-guys-have-no-idea-of-what-racing-is. What do you think? I bet on JPM, of course, for that couple of races. I propose Indy and Paul Ricard as the tracks for the local/visitor races!
What do you think? Heresy again? May somebody read this and act... Besides, there is a LOT OF MONEY on this idea. Just sum both audiences and do the math. I don't need the money, just give me the credit...