Kubica crash: [From my experience from CMR2 it didn't look good way before the corner

After first day Kubica said his season goal was to win a stage and for Monte to finish. I think these goals changed and there were some risks involved looking at the split times compared to Ogier (too close), Meeke, Ostberg etc. This stage was different than others and it's important. Pace on those normal stages was sensational, I like "demoralised" description from WIlson.
I think it's exactly what he should be doing, there's no pressure, the real racing starts in the second half of the season or in 2015, pressure is on factory drivers Hirvonen/Evans/Ostberg (pace), Latvala, Neuville etc. At least there was a trade-off here, pace and possibility of result. Ogier has no competition, the rest is nowhere, pity about Bouffier's spin.