... ws&rpc=401
I think the old bugger might have taken a view to endurance racing. Owning the Ring would be a significant step.
It's not the track, it's everything they build arround it that's causing the problems.tim|away wrote:Excuse me for asking this stupid question, but how can a track like the Nurburgring go into administration? One would have thought that out of all tracks, this has to be a cashcow. Can a german or someone in the know provide some background, please?
I'm a bit shocked as to why he would change his tone now, previously all he's said is the old European tracks can pay up the huge amount cash or be forgotten, not exactly a conservationist view!tim|away wrote:I guess Bernie would be a good candidate though to take over. Should he manage to grab the ownership of the ring, I'm sure 10 minutes later there would be a binding contract to hold the F1 event there for the next 99 years for an outrageous sum of money, therefore securing the future of this historical track.
Who's on trial in Germany and might want to curry favorable public opinion?oT v1 wrote:I'm a bit shocked as to why he would change his tone now, previously all he's said is the old European tracks can pay up the huge amount cash or be forgotten, not exactly a conservationist view!
Slamdunk. Bernie isn't stupid. All about playing the game.bhallg2k wrote:Who's on trial in Germany and might want to curry favorable public opinion?oT v1 wrote:I'm a bit shocked as to why he would change his tone now, previously all he's said is the old European tracks can pay up the huge amount cash or be forgotten, not exactly a conservationist view!
[...] ... rolling-f1SectorOne wrote:Actually he´s been talking about saving Nords long before the trial even begun.
I hope he does it. Then repave it, increase run-offs, introduce to the world of Formula One once again.
An explanation would be good, what have i missed?langwadt wrote: ... rolling-f1SectorOne wrote:Actually he´s been talking about saving Nords long before the trial even begun.
I hope he does it. Then repave it, increase run-offs, introduce to the world of Formula One once again.