Are F1 drivers more prone to be risk takers/vice versa ?

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Are F1 drivers more prone to be risk takers/vice versa ?


The Schumacher incident had me wondering, are F1 drivers more likely to be bigger risk takers than most in life ? For example would they invest in riskier financial instruments ? Is Grosjean as aggressive in banking as he is on the track :?:

Or are risk takers more likely to be F1 drivers ?

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Re: Are F1 drivers more prone to be risk takers/vice versa ?


The type of risk taking that makes F1 drivers do what they do, is different than the sort of risk taking involved in finances.

Actually, I think they are less likely to take financial risks. The risks they take driving a Formula One car is something they have control over. Financial risks are much less within their control, so they'll be less inclined to take an uncontrolled risk.

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Re: Are F1 drivers more prone to be risk takers/vice versa ?


Slife wrote:The Schumacher incident had me wondering, are F1 drivers more likely to be bigger risk takers than most in life ? For example would they invest in riskier financial instruments ? Is Grosjean as aggressive in banking as he is on the track :?:

Or are risk takers more likely to be F1 drivers ?
financial risktakers? thats new :wtf:
they've got managers for that. If any, they're less to take financial risks.

adrenaline risks are what's more the issue here. It's in a sense quite logical, because Formula 1 is a high-adrenaline
sport. So they get a kick out of speed and racing. But that's their 'daily' job.
A guy with a desk job finds himself getting adrenaline satisfied from something perhaps as simple as bouldering. Hey,
bowling does the trick for some.
But if your job is pushing fastpaced racecars to the edge, then you are never gonna get the same satisfaction from bouldering or bowling as the office guy.
That means they'll search their 'off time' 'games' into something we could call more risky.

I don't think you can class Schumacher's skiing incident there at all. It was a 'simple' accident with unfortunately bad consequenses. Plenty people stumble upon the streets and don't get injured, occasionally somebody lands in the wrong
way and get parallized. Taking a horse for a walk isn't your adrenaline sport but it cost Christopher Reeves' walking ability when accident happened.

It's not like schumacher is like; hey, i'm a f1 driver and i'm bored, let's do something crazy rediculous with the possibility of certain death.

I've seen skydivers that throw their parachute first and after a couple seconds jump without one themselves and catch them in mid air. Haven't seen a f1 driver do that yet.

I fail to see the link between schumacher's accident and risk taking. If you take an experienced skiir taking a ride a risk, then i guess just walking out of your front door a risk aswell.
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Re: Are F1 drivers more prone to be risk takers/vice versa ?


There is a common misconception that F1 drivers are constantly seeking for an adrenaline rush, and this myth is being spread by the media as well. Drivers don't seek the adrenaline rush. They seek speed and control whilst accepting the risk that is involved with it, but they aren't doing it for the risk.
Last edited by tim|away on 22 Jan 2014, 00:02, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Are F1 drivers more prone to be risk takers/vice versa ?


Um, no.
During a race, most drivers had an average heart rate around 170 beats per minute -- higher than most other athletes -- with a peak of 190, Toyota said. Moreover, this season -- with traction control removed -- the drivers heartbeats had increased up to 10 beats a minute.

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Re: Are F1 drivers more prone to be risk takers/vice versa ?


point well made, pup.

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Re: Are F1 drivers more prone to be risk takers/vice versa ?


(ignore ->)I fail to see how that negated what Tim said, the quote does not say anything about the what the driver is seeking, it merely describes what´s going on inside while racing.
Last edited by SectorOne on 22 Jan 2014, 00:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Are F1 drivers more prone to be risk takers/vice versa ?


An F1 driver will take 20% risk..not 1% more.

*Atleast that is what Rush taught me

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Re: Are F1 drivers more prone to be risk takers/vice versa ?


SectorOne wrote:I fail to see how that negated what Tim said, the quote does not say anything about the what the driver is seeking, it merely describes what´s going on inside while racing.
I was wrongly stating that F1 driver's have a low heart rate during a race and pup corrected me. Thanks for that.

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Re: Are F1 drivers more prone to be risk takers/vice versa ?


Ah ok i missed that you had edited the post, should have paid more attention i guess.
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Re: Are F1 drivers more prone to be risk takers/vice versa ?


heartbeat rate is a matter of physical and mental effort required as much as it is a matter of fear and adrenaline being excited...
I think a useful (= successful)race Driver is not a risk taker -he is an Opportunist grabbing fruits available to him -These fruits may not be avaialble for others in the same Position though !
I have never ever had any Drivers being prepared to take risks -they always thought it would be a fit -and had to realise afterwords -oh s...t this did not work out as i failed to consider all aspects of my move..Nobody would go out thinking ah yes this is a good day to die or brake my neck or something ...
I would tend to assign this to the Phrase :confidence- you actually know ist ok to do what you do .it is well within your Limits of control ,and you avoid to cross the line of being under control -as saving your life ususally does take time -wich is a bad Thing trying to go quickly around a circuit again and again.
for People outside of racing it may well look as if Drivers are taking risks -but I pretty much doubt this being the case .
you accept a certain risk ,as the things a pretty quick and things can go wrong ,as we constantly see but you are not thrilled by These risks .
You are thrilled by driving a spot on lap or stint with no msitakes and nothing left on the plate ...but also no overdriving .the rewarding Feeling is only coming afterwards .

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Re: Are F1 drivers more prone to be risk takers/vice versa ?


Pup wrote:Um, no.
During a race, most drivers had an average heart rate around 170 beats per minute -- higher than most other athletes -- with a peak of 190, Toyota said. Moreover, this season -- with traction control removed -- the drivers heartbeats had increased up to 10 beats a minute.
170 average seems like a bit of an exaggeration to me. Even pro road cyclists on long climbs sustain around 170-180 bpm when giving their full. I'm aware F1 drivers pull lots of G's and all, but I think the effort could not be compared to that of a road cyclist on a steep climb to be honest. I could be wrong of course, just my 2 cents.
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Re: Are F1 drivers more prone to be risk takers/vice versa ?


For a motorcycle racer 170 bpm is about average during a race
there is an old video out there of Mick Doohan with a heart rate monitor on during a race and some guy crashes in front of him and the monitor jumps up then goes back down as quick as it went up. I'm still looking for the vid
His brother had some thing to do with it, he may be a doctor or physical fitness instructor ... e=fullpage
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