since we all know how trustworthy wikipedia is [there can be very facteous articles but also seriously incorrect
articles: ... andinavia/
however, if you do want to look into wiki:
also northern parts of Finland are situated on the Scandinavian Peninsula
there you have it.
Scandinavia is also taken to include ...... Finland,..... Such usage.... may be considered inaccurate in the area itself, where the term Nordic countries instead refers to this broader group.
The clearest example of the use of the term "Scandinavia" as a political and societal construct is the unique position of Finland, based largely on its southwestern part having been part of Sweden for more than seven centuries
When a speaker wants to explicitly include Finland alongside Scandinavia-proper, the geographic terms Fenno-Scandinavia or Fennoscandia are sometimes used in English.
So according to a quick google research, Fins
can be refered to as Scandinavians.