West, I've already seen it. Here I have one I think more relevant:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F782mCl ... ed&search=
If you don't have the time to watch the video, perhaps you'll have it to read this:
"... The problem after a war is with the victor. He thinks he has just proved that war and violence pay. Who will teach him a lesson? ...
It's only in folk tales and children stories and the pages of journals of intellectual opinion that power is used wisely and well to erradicate evil in the world. The real world teaches quite different lessons and it takes willful and dedicated ignorance to fail to perceive them. The succesful use of violence typically engenders enthusiastic praise among the flatterers of the court and the secular priesthood of the intellectuals in the modern era. As far as I know that's universally true, at least I don't know any exceptions...
The central tragic fact is simple: coercion works. Those who apply substantial force to their fellows get compliance, and, from that compliance, derive the multiple advantages of money, goods, defference, access to pleasures, denied to the less powerful people... Costless destruction of defenseless enemies: that wins particular admiration and also becomes habitual, and natural, and proof of one's virtue."
West, I have been defending USA constitution and principles in Latin America for ages, while most people down here blame
you for our many troubles. I'm not a Bolivar fan (another "war-suffices" guy!), I was educated elsewhere.
It's people like Mrs. Wafa Sultan, so infused with "their right", so ready to qualify their
adversaries as
enemies who pose for me a larger problem in my "pro-american principles" stand. You don't need more of them, they are a dime the dozen.
Trying to perceive the Iraq war as a clash of civilizations is incredibly ignorant and dangerous for your own well being, not mine. If it wasn't for the fact that the alternatives RIGHT NOW are even more dangerous (think about China!) I'm sure more people would try to bring USA power down. Miqui pointed out that violence in Middle East is dragging even the minorities to think "Well, if wearing a burka is what it takes to emerge from this I'm going to use mine". Even americans are in doubt about themselves.
There are dozens of countries like Iraq, but there is only one USA, rich but submerged in conflict, trying hard to become better. We, americans (by that I mean North, Central and South America) at this side of the world used to be called The New World.
Clash of civilizations? If we, people of the third world are so backwards, we treat women as beasts, are so ignorant, why has USA got into so much problem trying to defeat us with weapons? Check
Bush ratings... there you'll find your own fellow citizens expressing their dissatisfaction with a backward leadership. Bush is giving you, as we say in Latin America "more of the same".
Don't expect any help on resolving this issue, different of what miqi and Dave are (or were, please Dave, we need your equanimity here) trying to give you: Europe, if I'm allowed to express it so, is swiming in self complacency right now, they have the "we didn't do it" attitude, and that doesn't help much. Europe has solved its main problems, that's clear to anyone that has visited Helsinki and L.A. or even New Zealand (not in Europe, I know, but, hey, you understand me) and Washington D.C.
Take a look at this very forum: Tomba and Principessa educate us, guide us, mantain a comendable neutrality, don't hijack any thread, use wisely their power, but they are not going to come to Latin America to build racecars (or websites) for us: they have their own problems.
I know USA can do better. Jefferson spirit is not dead and let me clarify I don't find that spirit in the so called "USA left", before you tag me as a "lefty" and don't give a second thought about mine, thinking I'm copying and pasting Newsweek editorials: I think, humbly, that USA left are not "to the left", they are (sometimes! you have Nader, for example) lazy people that wishes to live out of a quick reading of the deep insatisfaction many north-americans have, overwhelmed by the economic hardships they confront every day.
For example, Al Gore and his global warming battle: a guy that uses the political system to its own advantage. Is a guy,
that spends 22.000 kilowatts per month in his house and buys his way out acquiring "permits to contaminate" from his own company, an alternative to Mr. Bush or Mrs. Sultan plain ignorance of history? I don't think so.
For those of you tempted to throw the towel, to claim that thinking about this is enough, well, this is another thing at the roots of the problem USA has right now. If bargeboards interest you more, well... they interest me
as much as this thread. I've seen much less interesting discussions, and much more heated ones, in this forum, about Schumi blinking an eye.
I'm sure Mr. De Groote is thinking about that when he has refused for so long to close this thread.
I know for sure, now, that
this forum is a powerhouse of thinking: I'm sure I couldn't find easily another forum, no matter what some of you think, where such a delicate discussion could be held with the elegance and clarity displayed here. Look at all the time and effort you have put on your many, extremely long and (frequently) more than coherent posts. This thread deserves to be framed and hanged on the wall.