Maybe the reason he just been father might be one of the cause he left seeing ther is no much going on with his car this week. And take time with family before the tour circus beginsMandrake wrote:It is indeed unsual for him as he is said to be sticking around very much in any situation. The difference here is that he has done next to 0 laps and thus cannot give any feedback at all. And there is only one car. I guess if he was able to contribute anything, he would have stayed.Phil wrote:Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I find it a bit strange that Vettel has left "home" and isn't even sticking around anymore. IMO - these testing days are crucial for any team, and as a participant of the team and as a driver, any progress or information that could be learned would be quite important. The fact that he has just left, well, I find it a bit odd at the very least... but maybe I'm reading too much into it?FoxHound wrote:Why would Vettel run if it is Ricciardo's designated test day? wrote:Guys, can you give me some good sites for live timing? I only have this one:
The F1 Times @F1Times18m
RT @RacecarEngineer: Just heard this from @f1fanatic_co_uk when you say Red Bull RB10 it sounds like... Red Bull are beaten....