beelsebob wrote: There are actually very few of his tracks that are actively boring (though there are a couple).
Actually it is more the Support infrastructure and surrounding which makes them all look the same. Additionally you have miles wide paved runoff areas which always look the same. The Countryside around the circuit has little to almost none influence on what the actual circuit looks like. They have all this artifical concrete charme.
The track geometries themselves are indeed often not too bad, although I would like to see some more fast sweeping turns. I don't like this Mickey Mouse stuff although in all fairness some of his layouts indeed do feature those faster turns.
Then again, we already had Monaco and Hungary, which are always rather dismal racing wise, proving that we don't need Tilke to get a boring circuit.
Oh at least Monaco is not boring as a circuit since it is unforgiving for the Drivers but it is indeed somewhat prone to boring races.
Hungary on the other Hand I have to agree, I could probably do without.