what do you think he is getting paid for? also, i don't think he exactly 'dominated' the race...rather he got a good start and made it stick. personally, i think the bridgestones are going to make for a very boring season. most of the passing will be done at the start and in the pitlane...snore, snoreonon wrote:i don't like the fact that Lewis Hamilton, the rookie, comes to F1 and starts to dominate the race.
That's called being intelligent. Furthermore, Alonso wasn't cruising, their fastest laps are similar, trying to close the gap would be too risky, putting engine health at stake and risking losing downforce in the fast corners (look at some of Heikki's moments, while he was chasing Toyotas...)mep wrote:Shame on Alonso for simply cruising behind one, who
has is first race, insted of overtaking and try to push forward.
You are assuming that Alonso was quicker than Hamilton and there's no proof of it. Alonso had a hard time already staying in touch with Hamilton with a slightly higher fuel load to get ahead after the pitstops. Even so, I don't know what could have happened if Hamilton wasn't so conservative when approaching backmarkers - Alonso wouldn't be so close to him when he drove to the pits, for sure.mep wrote:Hamilton and Alonso are in the same team the don't have
to kick each other outh on a overtaking try,
but the Hamilton can make overtaking easy.
They should change positions avter afew laps.
So alonso can make his race.
And nobody knowed in this early phase of the race how
quick heidfelds bmw is.
To follow hamilton is also dangerous because of:
-possible safty car phases
-Hamilton drove two times of the track
I would laugh if he would have crashed alosno after driving back to track.
-Beeing a racer doesn't always mean to be inteligent.