my team name is
SBQ Checkered,
very incorrectly - and illogically - short for "la sQderia di Bandiera a Scacchi" (misspelled at that, I know) ... or whatever else even remotely fits the bill, as far as I'm concerned.
A little analysis based on the incomplete entry list ... i.e. what percentage "agreed" with the choices I made.
Engine - Toyota (Customer) ... 1/26 only; and no takers for a Williams chassis either
Chassis - Honda ... 6/26; relative confidence, 8/26 counting those with Honda chassis and some other engine
Driver 1 - Heidfeld ... 1/26; a rarity
Driver 2 - Kovalainen ... 4/26; ~ avg faith
Driver 3 - Hamilton ... 17/26; overflowing confidence for a rookie
So in essence, I'm betting that Raikkonen, Massa & Alonso won't dominate - separately or together. Also, a lot of Ferrari 1-2's and I'm done for as far as top positions go, long before the season ends. A tall order indeed.
On the other hand, in case there's a half-way decent Williams resurgence, Heidfeld regularly mixes up for top positions, Honda manages to keep up and the rookies keep their stats clean enough ... who knows?