Glad to meet you LongJohnSilver, welcome to the forum. Thanks for the clarification on the penalty if an engine change happens post-qualifying, that's very relevant.
A Formula One engine definitely has a limited life, and in fact, I seriously doubt a competitive engine can be run full revs, full power for two entire race weekend cycles. Just like a mile runner, they have to pace themselves.
Having a water leak and possible overheated engine would definitely shorten it's expected safe life limits. As well, Kimi losing his radio would have compounded the problem because if the engineers wanted him to turn down the revs, he probably didn't hear them.
The decision on an engine change has probably been made by now, or else the decision is so tight, they are waiting to see the weather and heat situation in Malaysia. Manchild probably has this mental image of Jean Todt sacrificing a chicken or goat to the "Weather Gods", fervently praying for an uncommonly cool spot of weather in Malaysia. I do.