The new V6 Turbo engine sounds

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What do you think of the new engine sounds?

Love it!
Pretty good, better than the V8s
Pretty good, but not as good as the V8s
Don't really like it
They've taken its soul away
Total votes: 241

Coulthard's Jaw
Coulthard's Jaw
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Re: The new V6 Turbo engine sounds


Ted68 wrote:Former forum member, and my friend, WRK, was at the race this weekend and had a blast. He said it was strange that the cars are so quiet now that even at 300 kph one doesn't need earplugs anymore. However, he said the racing was great.
The racing was EXACTLY the same as last year.

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Re: The new V6 Turbo engine sounds


bhallg2k wrote:And it's also the chief reason why F1 cars still have open wheels and open cockpits. Both impose absolutely colossal penalties on performance, yet they remain fixtures of F1 simply because that's how F1 fans think F1 cars should look. It's purely aesthetic, just like engine noise.
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Re: The new V6 Turbo engine sounds


Vettel Maggot wrote:Perhaps all you lovers of quiet racing would enjoy Formula E?
Sure, I´m looking forwad the first FE GP

But I wouldn´t say lovers of quiet racing, but just lovers of racing. I have never seen a sound ( :mrgreen: ) that improves the racing or the show, sound is sound, and racing is racing.

Perhaps all you lovers of harmfull noises would enjoy being at the heading of a runway more than watching F1 :P
Vettel Maggot wrote:I go to F1 races to escape reality. To see the best drivers driving the fastest, loudest most outrageous cars in the world. Not to conserve fuel or worry about my hearing...
Well, in that case I must agree with you, if you want to escape from reality and you don´t worry about your hearing, then the best for you probably were the V12 and no earplugs... Watch some live races and you´ll escape the reality definitely once you get deaf :wtf:
Vettel Maggot wrote:. When F1 was in town you knew it. You heard it for miles. Now...?
Now people who don´t like F1 don´t get disturbed even when they live miles away...

I´m surprised on a forum like F1T I don´t read more comments about the noise level of the v8´s, more than 120dB... we´re not talking about some sound that some may find harmful and some not. V8 sound was objetively harmful not only for the people working into the box but also for the spectators, and not only if you get exposed for a long period, just some second of a noise level beyond 120dB will harm the hearing of an adult.... Do we talk about kids? But we defend that level of noise/sound....

I was expecting this behaviour on most places, but not on a technical forum. The most techincal part of this discussion IMHO is the v8 were well beyond the safe limit for the spectators, but nobody even mention it, most people care about a subjective component more than about their own health :?

Ok I agree I did prefer V8 sound too, but sound is sound, it´s circumstantial. I´m really surprised 33% of people who voted think they´ve take the soul away, to me the sound can never be so important on racing and I was naively thinking on F1T I´d find more people agreing with me

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Re: The new V6 Turbo engine sounds


Andres125sx wrote:I´m surprised on a forum like F1T I don´t read more comments about the noise level of the v8´s, more than 120dB... we´re not talking about some sound that some may find harmful and some not. V8 sound was objetively harmful not only for the people working into the box but also for the spectators, and not only if you get exposed for a long period, just some second of a noise level beyond 120dB will harm the hearing of an adult.... Do we talk about kids? But we defend that level of noise/sound....
I was reading your politically correct babble, I mean argument, and was expecting it to arrive at this point. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Use earplugs. Teams and spectators did it and this way it stops being harmful. They all did that, so all that "OMG, health first" thing goes down the drain. This kind of argument is like people who say petrol and chemicals are bad because if you eat them or rub them in your skin you may die/be harmed. WHO THE F*CK WILL DO THAT?

Besides, it's motorsport. There is risk of crashes, fires and there will be noise beyond whats comfortable/safe. If you think that's wrong/unsafe, please go watch something else and don't ruin it for other people. Formula E is the perfect formula for this people, as you can hypocritically pretend it's safe, "correct" and "green" because there is no noise and no petrol (only we all "forget" all the risks and wastes involved with racing are still there, but hey, it's "green")

Don't even get me started on people who chose to live near circuits and complain about noise. They are usually in the middle of nowhere and people know there is going to be noise there. Those rare circuits inside actual cities mostly have big walls for that reason
Andres125sx wrote:I was expecting this behaviour on most places, but not on a technical forum. The most techincal part of this discussion IMHO is the v8 were well beyond the safe limit for the spectators, but nobody even mention it, most people care about a subjective component more than about their own health :?
Precisely because it's a technical forum that you don't see the common place "OMG this is dangerous" argument here. It's racing, there is going to be noise and risk. There are special equipment and procedures REQUIRED to the activity because of it, like EARPLUGS
Andres125sx wrote:Ok I agree I did prefer V8 sound too, but sound is sound, it´s circumstantial. I´m really surprised 33% of people who voted think they´ve take the soul away, to me the sound can never be so important on racing and I was naively thinking on F1T I´d find more people agreing with me
Surprised? Circumstantial? It's as much of an essential part of motorsport as tires being pushed to the limit, inches being disputed by multiple cars and breaking as fast as possible. We are motorsports fans here, and understand the importance of elements essentially related to racing. A race without sound is like watching soccer being blind. This is not chess. For soccer, you need to see it to feel it. Racing demands seeing and hearing. That's why the day regular motorsport is not done anymore, it will die. No Formula E will save it, it will be a curiosity at most. It will be as exciting as a typing competition, a sport that no one cares except those who do it

I'm actually happy F1T has most of its people REAL motorsports fans and people who didn't join the insanity train of politically correct/eco babble/too much health concern thinking. Do you know the ONLY completely non harmful way of racing? NONE. All that insanity leads people to support hypocritical things like "green and quiet racing" and eventually to support the banning of it
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Re: The new V6 Turbo engine sounds


Make rev 18.000, change fuel to 150kg

And then u can hear the real turbo sound

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Re: The new V6 Turbo engine sounds


Agenda_Is_Incorrect wrote: Use earplugs. Teams and spectators did it and this way it stops being harmful.
Did you watch the 2013 vs 2014 comparison video? Did you notice that a good proportion of the crowd in the 2013 segment were wearing ear defenders. I suspect they weren't wearing them to make a fashion statement but to attenuate the overly loud sound of the V8 to something probably more akin to the sound levels of the 2014 cars.

So what is the point of complaining about the volume level of the 2014 cars if your advice is to attenuate the sound level of the 2013 cars?

F1 really has a problem if people are hung up on the sound level of the engine because it means the spectacle of the racing isn't good enough.

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Re: The new V6 Turbo engine sounds


No appropriate voting option so I went with "love it".
Based on doom-mongering I was expecting something much worse, first impression was OK, onboards are cool. In general I don't care and forget about the sound new or old.
It was interesting to hear that possible ear damage during GPs is desired part of the experience and included in prices of tickets and Ecclestone deals. Theoretically, I'd consider not wearing ear-plugs as something positive.

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Re: The new V6 Turbo engine sounds


iotar__ wrote:No appropriate voting option so I went with "love it".
Based on doom-mongering I was expecting something much worse, first impression was OK, onboards are cool. In general I don't care and forget about the sound new or old.
It was interesting to hear that possible ear damage during GPs is desired part of the experience and included in prices of tickets and Ecclestone deals. Theoretically, I'd consider not wearing ear-plugs as something positive.
Right, as someone who finds things in or around my ear incredibly uncomfortable, being able to go to a GP without them is a HUGE plus for me.

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Re: The new V6 Turbo engine sounds


iotar__ wrote:No appropriate voting option so I went with "love it".
Based on doom-mongering I was expecting something much worse, first impression was OK, onboards are cool. In general I don't care and forget about the sound new or old.
It was interesting to hear that possible ear damage during GPs is desired part of the experience and included in prices of tickets and Ecclestone deals. Theoretically, I'd consider not wearing ear-plugs as something positive.
F1 Fanatic had a quote (I don't recall the source) that the existing PU is around 134db, down from 145db for the V8's.

That would sound roughly half as loud, but actually, still bad for you.

Joined: 08 Jan 2011, 16:04

Re: The new V6 Turbo engine sounds


heidenreich27 wrote:Make rev 18.000, change fuel to 150kg

And then u can hear the real turbo sound
This won't happen because the engine would have to be designed differently. And if you wanna hear real turbo sound you don't need rpm, you need BOOST PRESSURE.

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Re: The new V6 Turbo engine sounds


Andres125sx wrote:
Vettel Maggot wrote:Perhaps all you lovers of quiet racing would enjoy Formula E?
Sure, I´m looking forwad the first FE GP

But I wouldn´t say lovers of quiet racing, but just lovers of racing. I have never seen a sound ( :mrgreen: ) that improves the racing or the show, sound is sound, and racing is racing.

Perhaps all you lovers of harmfull noises would enjoy being at the heading of a runway more than watching F1 :P
Vettel Maggot wrote:I go to F1 races to escape reality. To see the best drivers driving the fastest, loudest most outrageous cars in the world. Not to conserve fuel or worry about my hearing...
Well, in that case I must agree with you, if you want to escape from reality and you don´t worry about your hearing, then the best for you probably were the V12 and no earplugs... Watch some live races and you´ll escape the reality definitely once you get deaf :wtf:
Vettel Maggot wrote:. When F1 was in town you knew it. You heard it for miles. Now...?
Now people who don´t like F1 don´t get disturbed even when they live miles away...

I´m surprised on a forum like F1T I don´t read more comments about the noise level of the v8´s, more than 120dB... we´re not talking about some sound that some may find harmful and some not. V8 sound was objetively harmful not only for the people working into the box but also for the spectators, and not only if you get exposed for a long period, just some second of a noise level beyond 120dB will harm the hearing of an adult.... Do we talk about kids? But we defend that level of noise/sound....

I was expecting this behaviour on most places, but not on a technical forum. The most techincal part of this discussion IMHO is the v8 were well beyond the safe limit for the spectators, but nobody even mention it, most people care about a subjective component more than about their own health :?

Ok I agree I did prefer V8 sound too, but sound is sound, it´s circumstantial. I´m really surprised 33% of people who voted think they´ve take the soul away, to me the sound can never be so important on racing and I was naively thinking on F1T I´d find more people agreing with me
Well it might be just your fault you can't appreciate sound of proper F1 engine - which is music to me (oh that 3.5L Honda V10 that Senna drove gives me goosebumps everytime I hear it) - your brain just might be not capable of that. Here is an explanation: ... ying-music
It also explains why there is so much sh*t "music" spilled out of radiostations. People like you just can't tell the difference between "circumstantial sounds" and thus don't care to what sh*t they are listening to. Good to know from scientists that basically this type of people - apparently present at this forum in not small numbers - is deprived of greatness of good sound/music. Now I don't feel that sad for those people (which I truly was) but I am even more happy I am capable of enjoing it! I couldn't live without what you call "circumstantial sound".

Joined: 17 Sep 2011, 23:41

Re: The new V6 Turbo engine sounds


I am surprised after 14 pages there are still people wondering why sound is a big deal. I think the sound appreciado's have explained it very thoroughly. Sure, you can disagree, but by now there is no excuse not to know.

Joined: 16 Mar 2009, 11:24
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Re: The new V6 Turbo engine sounds


mnmracer wrote:I am surprised after 14 pages there are still people wondering why sound is a big deal. I think the sound appreciado's have explained it very thoroughly. Sure, you can disagree, but by now there is no excuse not to know.
Well I wanted to point out this interesting - and to me not previously known - fact which suggests that it might be not a ignorance or fault of those people but they are just different - at brain level. And IMHO - sadly for them.

Joined: 12 Jun 2010, 00:07

Re: The new V6 Turbo engine sounds


Shakeman wrote:
Agenda_Is_Incorrect wrote: Use earplugs. Teams and spectators did it and this way it stops being harmful.
Did you watch the 2013 vs 2014 comparison video? Did you notice that a good proportion of the crowd in the 2013 segment were wearing ear defenders. I suspect they weren't wearing them to make a fashion statement but to attenuate the overly loud sound of the V8 to something probably more akin to the sound levels of the 2014 cars.

So what is the point of complaining about the volume level of the 2014 cars if your advice is to attenuate the sound level of the 2013 cars?

F1 really has a problem if people are hung up on the sound level of the engine because it means the spectacle of the racing isn't good enough.
The thing is, if the engines are loud enough you have the OPTION to use earplugs. Plus, even attenuating the sound, you will still feel the vibrations and hear the pleasant sound of the engines. If they are like nowadays, too low and too boring, you have no choice but to hear nothing interesting

Truth be told, the old engines were too loud in fact. It can get annoying without an earplug or after a few hours. But the new ones are simply too quiet. They error in the wrong side for a racing engine. Should there be not such an obsession about the fuel economy and slowing down the cars, the volume and the character of the sound would be MUCH better and still not annoyingly loud

I say again: 2.0 liter V6 with less fuel flow restriction and revving at around 15000 RPM. Plus less limit on the recovery units, but maybe mandating the size of the batteries so that you don't end up with engines going over 1000 HP combined
beelsebob wrote:Right, as someone who finds things in or around my ear incredibly uncomfortable, being able to go to a GP without them is a HUGE plus for me.
I do agree. But rather have the option to hear a good and loud sound rather than only having the option to dull and quiet (and inadequate for a race car) current noise. If I'm going to spend 100s on tickets, spend a day under the sun in a crowded place and all other annoyances of a live race, the show must be good and loud. Earplugs are the smallest of the issues
Sulman wrote:
F1 Fanatic had a quote (I don't recall the source) that the existing PU is around 134db, down from 145db for the V8's.

That would sound roughly half as loud, but actually, still bad for you.
It is true. It is more easily tolerable, but bad for you in the long term. Just like going to a concert. If you are going to harm your hearing, the concert (or the engine noise) better be worth listening. A middle ground of around 140db would be ideal
I've been censored by a moderation team that rather see people dying and being shot at terrorist attacks than allowing people to speak the truth. That's racist apparently.

God made Trump win for a reason.

Joined: 01 Feb 2014, 19:09

Re: The new V6 Turbo engine sounds


What would be the possible HP of these engine if we have fuel per race equals to 150kg, no fuel flow rate limitation and engine hitting 15k? Are these parameters possible and if they are, will the engines' volume be higher? Sorry if the question is stupid, but i am not into the engineering stuff. :D
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