Well, here i go with my best (Dutch) English...
Lately there have been a lot of discussion about the smaller engines and more regulations. The FIA is changing rules year in year out. It's not only the engine, we have seen a lot of change in regulation within the aerodynamics, weight, gear ratio and more.
Now everybody asumes that the reason behind all those rules is to cut costs. So the teams should spend less money and the small teams will get a better chance. Another reason is to "save" the enviroment and lets make the F1 greener.
I personally believe that both of those reason i described above are bull****. The real reason IMHO are laptimes. lets take a look at Monza for instance:
1995 David Coulthard 1:24.462 v12 slicks
1998 Mika Hakinnen 1:25.139 v10 +grooved tyres + first corned chicane
2006 R. Barichello 1:21.046 v8 engine + lots of aero restrictions
2007 F.Alonso 1:21.997 v8 engine lots of aero restrictions
2010 F Alonso 1:21.962 v8 engine smaller tyres, aero districtions
Also dont forget we used to have a Quali engine, many more engines (no limit) no RPM limit and many more things which are restricted or forbidden these days.
The point i want to make is that when you take a look at the lap times in 1995 with a great engine and you look at the lap time in 2010 with smaller engines and a lot of restrictions, the lap times are still 2.5 seconds faster!
The FIA is trying to decrease the lap times, not for safety, money or enviroment reasons but they are trying to manage the lap times.
IMHO i believe that if they wouldnt have changed the rules since the 90's a lap at Monza would be done around 60 seconds. The F1 would be to fast to watch or at least it would get boring to watch it.
They should find another way instead of increase the engines volume and cilinders...