stephenwh wrote:Well, I hate to break it to you, but the testing ban did close up the field, as did the homologated v8's - DRS was an invention of the Technical Working Group (with staff from the teams), and the racing was closer before Pirelli, in fact the 2009 changes worked great, especially in 2010...unlimited testing and unlimited engine development would create the situation we used to have - and F1 has moved on from that, and while you think it is a bad thing there are other people that appreciate the closer if you think your opinion is gospel, I don't know what to tell you - there are other perspectives than yours...
I like where you're coming from.
Testing ban -> needed to keep costs down. ( I think is a good thing, but not a complete ban)
DRS -> needed to be able to pass. Aerowash was making it impossible to follow cars by less than 2 seconds.
Pirelli Tires -> was someone's idea of creating wet races in the dry. Sad....
engine development -> I like engine development unfortunately there is a price to pay for that.
I think F1 has 3 major challenges
1- Parity
I'd like to see that the F1 midfielders and bottom feeders aren't always the same teams. We still have a long way to go.
Parity is closely tied to costs. It must be crazy to be a Caterham in f1, when your car is 4 seconds off the pace. Got
wonder why you bother showing up.
2- Relevance
I don't know how many years from now but the internal combustion engine will cease to be the primary propulsion in
vehicles. So you might as well get ahead of it.
3- Politics
There is no unified voice. Bernie sounds off like a drunk Speaking ill of F1 so do many others from many f1 teams.
Usually for no other reason but to advance their cause. This whole engine Sound thing is a good example, the more you
keep talking about it the more it will stay in the news and be an irritant. It's done, the sound is what it is....STFU!!
Another is the Red Bull Fuel thing. Now I agree with Bernie that I'm not sure why we need to measure the fuel 2 ways
(especially considering the the sensor issues). Probably the smart thing to do was to table the sensors for this year
while using the senors to get the kinks out this year. FIA choose to go ahead and everyone agreed to it, so STFU. Now
during the last race Merc was told to turn down their peak fuel usage and they did. Not RB, they needed to defy FIA.
It's the whole tire thing again from 2013. Now Dietrich Mateschitz says "Red Bull may quit F1". He spent all this money
to bring F1 back to Austria and he says he gonna quit??? Right. The problem isn't that your engine sucks, it is the fuel
Did they need to get greener? No, not this year or next but they did have to do it soon.