Idiots are those who blame "their" drivers when they lose. Thank heaven I don't have to apologize in advance, because you are not like them.
They are idiots for two
main reasons: first, because all the happiness of winning is lost if you expect wins all the time, and second, because they are like the hideous partner that jumps on you when you need his asistance.
I'm too happy to dig into this.
I think there were too many good races yesterday, starting by Kimi or the marvelous Nick Heidfeld, that, on a "proper car", is finally showing why he could win over Michael Schumacher back in their karting days, followed by Fisichella and Trulli who didn't were that far, and continuing with Sato and Speed (both ahead of Schumacher!), ending with Kovalainen. Not bad for Webber or Wurz, either, who weren't lapped.
So, all my support to Felipinho. He did all he could, given the car he had...

Well, seriously, Hamilton tricked him into braking too late (that was a nice karter trick, btw). Even Kimi "The Ray" Räikkönen had a hard time trying to overtake Felipe. Forza, campeao!
Instead of blaming those that lost (21 of them) you could praise the lucky McLaren team, as a good loser should. I will next race, if Ferrari, as seem probable, get their drivers again on the podium. Today, all I see are spanish flags...