Does any one think that the pit stops should be improved.
Here is what it needs to be improved:
1. Reduce the amount of pit crew members when the car is being serviced in the pits. I watched F1 Debrief show on Speed Channel and one of the commentators were discussing the amounts of accidents involving the car hitting the pit crew member when living the pits. They said that the amount of pit crews should be reduced from 19 (current) to 6 or 8 people. This will reduce the human traffic and incidents during pitting and post pitting and also make the pitting more interseting and fun to watch. There would be 2 people per tire change
(8 total), 2 jack men, 1 loly pop man, and 2 re-fueling (when it returns),
so that will bring a total of 13 (with refuling) and (11 without refuling).
2. Bring back the re-fuiling. F1 should improve the Re-fuiling system so that the cars could be refuled once again. The race is still boring when the cars have a full tank of fuel and the only time the race is the best is at the start and near the end when there is less fuel and the cars go faster.
3. Please no more handicaping top 10 drivers in the final qualifying session it ruins the race. the drivers should have the freedom to start as much as fuel they wish and what type of tires they wish. It is hard to know the true best time.
Let me know if enything else needs to be improved.