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Camber is decided by the tyre charecteristics, and suspension geometry. There are two types of camber, static and dynamic. Static camber is the camber at which the tyre/wheel takes when It has been set up in the pits. This static camber is usually added so that the optimum dynamic camber is achieved at maximum cornering. Dynamic camber is that which is produced as the car travels around the track and changes all the time as the suspension moves. For traction and braking one wants your tyres to be bulk upright. for cornering, almost upright, in fact a very small amount of negative on the outside wheel and positive on the inside wheel is desirable (As this produces camber thrust). So what determines camber, well the static camber set + dynamic changes in camber due to geometry. How are these parts deigned, well they are decided to make optimum use of the tyres. The tyres will have an optimum camber angle.
Toe, rear should more or less be none, otherwise instability will prevail. sometimes a small amount or toe in is included to allow for compliance so that the rear wheels go to 0 toe in under power. Toe at the front can be used to alter the stability. It is also often included to obtain the optimum ackerman charecteristics.
Another edit: Adding just a couple of variables increases the amount of possible setups exponentially. It's never an easy compromise, as evidenced by Renault's recent trials in getting as much out of Bridgestones as the competition does.