bhall wrote:Following a string of questionable incidents, Yuji Ide finally had his
super license revoked by the FIA after he caused a similar accident in 2006. I guess Maldonado brings in too much money to suffer the same fate.
I think this was not similar. Ide had no chance to get the corner without contact. He just went straight into the opponent and has proven before, that he is not really capable of driving a F1 car. Here we can at least talk a bit about some misunderstanding about each others line...
stefan_ wrote:But then again, it's easy to say "Maldonado is an idiot, ban him" only considering his past events. He makes bad decisions, yes, but this time I think he actually was unlucky.
I do not think, that this situation was any different to his usual faults. He just completely lacks the sense for which gap is good and which gap is bad and the sense of the line the opponent will be driving.
A lot of drivers had this problem (Vettel, Hamilton, Grosjean...), but everyone solved it more or less after one bad year. For Maldonado there is just no development visible, it just worsens...
iotar__ wrote:I see what you mean, punishing Maldonado twice is against racing principles. 10s stop and go was enough for this. His fault but it was fairly normal incident, Guttierez was slow and his line was weird, he went up, so what? So did Webber in Valencia (no penalty surprisingly), Trulli had one in Monaco and Schumacher in Abu Dhabi I think.
No, it is completely usual that after being completely responsible for taking out an opponent results in a penalty for the next race. And I do not see why anything should be against racing would be against the racing principles if you just have to keep your car going until the steward hand you a stop-and-go to avoid a penalty for the next race after taking out an opponent.
iotar__ wrote:
Magnussen had two and a half incident in three races and no one is branding him menace to society, don't do that to Maldonado until he deserves it just because media tools are repeating it constantly. Going back to general topic of penalties - Magnussen and Bianchi in Malaysia are still silly and controversial.
Do not miss, that Maldonado has a long history of really crazy crashes.
iotar__ wrote:
Ricciardo's penalty on the other hand was clear, indisputable and simple decision stupidly branded "harsh" for no reason other than Red Bull not accepting any blame or penalty ever, under no circumstances, and people repeating it mindlessly.
You really should stop talking about Redbull. Your posts are so nice to read if they are not about RB, but if you have the chance to mention RB it always gets crazy.
Diesel wrote:Maldonado was never going to make that corner. Gutierrez would have had to have gone off track to avoid that dive bomb.
I do not think that he would have missed the corner. Yes, Maldonados line was much too aggressive, he would have needed the apex on the exit, but this is the same aggressive driving Hamilton used to fight against Rosberg. I think Maldonado just missed Gutierrez. You can take this line if your car is ahead and the opponent can see you like Ham did, but if you are behind, it is completely crazy to take this line because it will end up in a crash.