Ray, you make sense, but it's a common malady. There are many different forms of motosport that have contributed to the vast wealth of ideas and technology we now enjoy. Not only F1, but LeMans, Rally, and even stock car racing, to just pick a few examples out of a hat. Yes, there are F1 fans who do believe that only F1 contributed. But to play the Devil's Advocate, there are NASCAR fans who hold that same opinion, and devoutly believe the only proper form of motor racing involves stock cars turning left. To use the term "ignorant" is harsh, I prefer to think of them as just not educated .. yet. So when I run across that mindset, I do not think lesser of them in any way. But I silently say to myself that they just need enlightening education, forbearance, and patience.Ray wrote:Not trying to encite any animosity, but alot of F1 fans don't seem to know the history of other motorsports. Seems like most people think that history started when they were born. Alot of things that were done at Indy, for example, have paved the way for modern motorsports. The things that were tried there have trickled down through the ages and made their way into other forms of motorsport. I love F1, but it is by no means the only avenue advanced technology has come about.