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The wrong man stepped down. The fish stinks from the head as they say. Another home grown talent will follow and surely also fail. They should sack Monte IMHO.
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best ..............................organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)
WhiteBlue wrote:The wrong man stepped down. The fish stinks from the head as they say. Another home grown talent will follow and surely also fail. They should sack Monte IMHO.
Heads need to roll somewhere, not sure if the right one has and I'm with you that Monte should have gone instead.
i cant see brawn coming back from his fishing trip, but who is out there that can do the job? Trouble is that ferrari expects and its going to be a major task to try and turn the car around this season.
scottracing wrote:i cant see brawn coming back from his fishing trip, but who is out there that can do the job? Trouble is that ferrari expects and its going to be a major task to try and turn the car around this season.
someone else already appointed .... what are his qualifications for the job except he is italian ?
to the optimist a glass is half full ; to the pessimist a glass is half empty ; to the F1 engineer the glass is twice as big as it needs to be
Well, I do not like to intervene in this kind of situations, but even if I like Mr. Montezemolo less than the famous Viking Prostate Examination and accepting amply that he's as likable as any presumptuous aristocrat who has fought for little and has been given everything without any effort on his part, frankly Mr. Domenicali position was untenable.
Gazzeta dello Sport, as usual the source of this kind of news, explain it clearly:
"Domenicali, che era subentrato nel ruolo a Jean Todt a fine 2007, ha vinto al muretto il titolo costruttori del 2008, quello del Mondiale sfuggito a Felipe Massa all'ultima curva del GP del Brasile. E proprio quello dei Mondiali sfuggiti è un po' stato negli ultimi tempi un tema ricorrente: oltre a quello di Massa, il Mondiale è svanito all’ultima gara con Fernando Alonso al volante nel 2010 (forse la più dura da digerire, causata da una scelta tattica errata nel GP di Abu Dhabi ) e nel 2012. Sconfitte brucianti dopo le quali il Cavallino non è mai riuscito a cambiare marcia. Quest’anno il grande cambio regolamentare e l’acquisto di Kimi Raikkonen da affiancare ad Alonso aveva fatto sperare in una svolta tecnica e di risultati. Svolta che non c’è stata perché al pronti via del Mondiale la F14T si è rivelata profondamente in deficit di velocità rispetto alla concorrenza, Mercedes su tutti. Troppo per continuare così".
Translation: "only an imbecile would have coasted in 2008 and lost 2010 and 2012 championships as he did... after investing millions in Alonso and Raikonnen, we bet they, widely considered among the best drivers in the world, asked for a replacement more mentally agile and better suited to F1 racing as, for example, Sponge Bob Squarepants or Cinderella: they cannot do worse. Thanks for nothing, Stefano!".
Apologies if my Italian is a little rusty: sometimes I'm not sure how to translate a "fricative infundibular tense following a third-person corpuscular imprecation".
All I can say is that I've seen grown Italian men breaking in tears, hands trembling, just by mentioning the name "Jean Todt"...