beelsebob wrote:Honestly, I'm amazed by the amount of impact that you guys think a manager can have. Ultimately, if the car is crap, that's down to the people designing the car. The most impact that management will have had is 1) setting budgets 2) hiring in the right people 3) setting priorities.
The only one I can really fault Stephano on is number 2 (which hey, is probably enough to hang him, but they should be setting to work on that right now).
Have you not just contradicted yourself a little? You say your amazed about the impact the manager can have, then you list 3 highly important things his in charge for. If you have the best staff but a tiny budget or you set them working on a crap car all year and not looking to the future then you'll get rubbish results.
Compare it in parallel to Merc. Ross moved on from crap cars quickly and focused on the next (theres 1 and 3) and he got in decent staff to carry it out (that's 2). Now they reap the rewards. All three need to be correctly managed?
I'm not trying to cause an argument, I just seems you contradicted your argument there.
foxmulder_ms wrote:I was expecting this last year frankly, but still I am surprised to see it happen during the ongoing season.
I've always been surprised he even got to last year. Its been the same trend lately. Start poorly, then when they get there act together its too late. (which relates to my comment above)