The green is the hypocrisy, because its not green and never will be, the only green f1 is a non-existent F1, not that im campaigning for that in the least!richard_leeds wrote:Where's hypocrisy in that?ChrisM40 wrote: its about attracting money from manufacturers and 'sexing up' otherwise dull road hybrids.
The have adopted fantastically complex engine, so tick in the box for saying F1 has the most complex technology. If anything the last few years with their relatively old engines have been hypocritical.
The technology that has been adopted happens to use words like turbo and hybrid get happen to suit manufacturers PR agenda. Another tick in the box.
The new engine firm is has attracted a new engine supplier. Another tick in the box.
It all seems rather straightforward to me. I suspect you are getting caught up on the word "green" and extrapolating it way beyond the scope of engines convert more fuel energy into propulsion.
If it was just a popular opinion as to why they did it and not something F1 itself is claiming, it wouldnt be hypocritical of F1, but F1 itself is claiming it went hybrid to be green, thats the hypocrisy.