I did Judge Alonso.turbof1 wrote:@Ultra_tech: I agree over the line (I'm a Hamilton fan, but I do believe at some points during his career there was too much hype), but I couldn't help noticing you didn't judge Alonso. Is this you 'hyping' Alonso without saying it, or just forgetting about him?
And what about Rosberg? I feel he's actually being underrated. People always said Hamilton would destroy him, yet he makes Hamilton's life very difficult at times.
The notion the he "beat" Michael Schumacher in 2005 is ludicrous, schumacher wasn't even a contender in 2005, so he was definitely overhyped as some kind of "Schumacher Destroyer" in 2005/2006, that's my opinion on that, always thought Schumacher was faster for raw pace.
Thing about Alonso is, the man has been BURIED by the british press, who painted him as the villain in 2007. I cannot think of a single driver since Schuey who has been buried more, I don't think you can call Alonso over-hyped really, if anything, I would say OUTSIDE THE PADDOCK, Alonso is actually underrated. He makes cars look better than they actually are and teammates look abysmal for the most part (apart from Hamilton, who in my view is just as good as alonso for the most part). But if people think Alonso is overrated like Vettel and Raikonnen are thats up to them.