Ultra Tech started a thread that quickly degenerated into a morass a fanboyism at its worst. I actually don't understand why people feel compelled to waste the energy on such bloviating, but apparently most simply are incapable of exercising restraint.
Anyone, the mods decided to lock that thread - and rightly so - before I got to post a comment. The nub of the discussion is NOT whether Kimi is better than Fittipaldi or Alonso could outpace Jim Clark in similar cars. The POINT of the discussion should be that back in the last Ice Age, when I was young, a driver was expected to adapt to the car and not the other way around.
Your new ride has the clutch mounted in the middle between the brake and the gas pedal? So? Get used to it. Drive the car or do something else. Do you think any of the poor bastards who had to pilot the mighty but evil handling Silver Arrows in the 30's came back into the pits complaining that the car suffered from too much oversteer?
And speaking of oversteer, time was that having the skill to manage a Porsche 911 was considered a badge of honor for a driver. Today, Porsche advertises the 911 as a school bus, perfectly safe for mom and the kiddies.
So, Ultra Tech, I agree with you. There is too much bellyaching by the current generation of drivers. The brakes don't feel quite right. There is not enough front end grip. The back end is too twitchy. The steering is too light. The steering us too heavy. And on and on and on. It never ends, which is what i think Ultra Tech was trying to say.
Over the past several years, drivers are getting to Formula One at younger and younger ages. It used to be that teams preferred drivers with years of experience, but now, 19 year old are strolling the paddock with their driving gloves firmly laced up. And I have wondered why that should be.
Clearly, there are more development opportunities for young drivers and that helps. But I suggest that the cars today are simply easier to drive, making raw driving talent less critical than in the past. And so, if you fanboys can resist mouthing off in strident fashion about your favorite driver, perhaps we could discuss this like adults? Ultra Tech posed an excellent question that deserves consideration, imho. If the mods disagree, well, so be it.