A discussion in one of the recent threads got me thinking. The more I thought the more my research juices started flowing. I have not been a scientist for a long time, but it felt good to start thinking again in term of experimental design, Especially since F1 is far removed from my former field of molecular biology. Let me be clear that there is no expected financial gain from this effort, only a chance to express my inner nerd. It is my hope that some of my fellow uber nerds in this forum might like the idea of contributing to research regarding F1. It is my intention to post the results here on F1 technical, as if it were a paper for a peer reviewed journal. Frankly, I can't think of a better group of peers for the topic I intend to study.
Experimental design.
Generally speaking this research might loosely fall under the category of marketing research, but the truth is that I intend to look at something different. The assistants will be required to watch the races while using a stopwatch. I really need more than one assistant because I will need one person to time the variable value, and I will need someone else to time the control value. The assistants will not know what my hypotheses is or the exact nature of the experiment. From race to race they will be asked to time various elements of the race broadcast. Then I will compile the results and write the paper. All assistants will be credited for their contributions as co-authors.
Is anyone interested, or is this just wishful uber nerd thinking?