Much has been discussed about containment of F1 costs. Although there could be many ways to "skin a cat", I believe any cost reduction methods should be SIMPLE to police, yet effective.
I would propose my ideas:
- reduction in the number of sensors on board of a race car
- reduction in the number of carbon elements sticking from or located away from the main covers - turning vanes, disc brake cowlings, etc
- introduction of template to police certain shape elements of car body - wings or covers
- reduction of FIA F1 technical rulebook from it's current size to 15 pages
The above ideas will yield following:
a) sensors require an army of electronics people and remove the input of a driver, it should be driver knowing the tire condition instead of an engineer telling him that
b) carbon elements need designers, wind tunnels, autoclaves, sensors and fancy engineers to continuously redesign and revalidate them
c) templates for wings and body will equalize the field by diminishing the amount of vanes and trinkets that can be placed on them
d) FIA rulebook is mired with complicated or nearly unpoliceable regulations in practical sense. Instead it should be black or white, determinable by simple investigative criteria requiring a maximum 1 minute of time.