To cool down this discussion I would like to throw in some points:
1. What are upsides and downsides of running lean?
- more mass and therefore less temperature rise while burning the same amount of fuel (=> less prone to knock)
- higher isentropic coefficient => more thermal efficiency
- slower burn rate => lowers the quality of combustion (right word? in German we say "Gütegrad")
- slightly more losses due to friction for the same power output
This leads to the point, that you do want to have a stoichiometric or slightly rich mixture at the spark plug to have a fast burn rate and a (slightly?) lean mixture in the rest of your cylinder for high thermal efficiency and less temperature (=> knock resistance).
Should be a big challange at high engine speeds.
2. Desired A/F ratios:
You can look into almost every good book about combustion: If there is a diagramm for BSFC (or overall efficiency) in relation to A/F ratio it will always be the beast at about lambda = 1.1 (slightly lean) for non-DI engines (so homogeneous mixtures). These diagrams refer to wide open throttle (WOT). For DI engines I know only diagrams for part load, as they try to get homogeneus mixtures at WOT.
3. Flame front velocity
- Depends on A/F ratio (as mentioned in point 1)
- Depends strongly on turbulence in combustion chamber and therefore on engine speed
I have seen a diagramm that shows an increase of almost 100% between 2000 rpm and 14000 rpm (from 23 m/s to 45 m/s). The book says that the transportational velocity is depending on geometry of the combustion chamber and increases with rpm.
I am no expert on this, but for me this would mean there is a smaller influence of A/F ratio on flame front velocity at high engine speeds than on low engine speeds. Which would lead to better efficiency at even leaner mixtures than lambda = 1.1 at high engine speeds.
Do I know it fore sure? No. So please correct me if I'm wrong.
4. Turbocharging / Turbocompounding:
- The Turbine will be slightly more efficient if it is bigger
- You have one turbine / compressor that you build for your engine. The operating range of both (turbine and compressor) is not very big and there are operationg points with best efficiency for this specific turbine.
So as mentioned before: You will have to simulate and test what pressure ratio (and therefore A/F ratio) you will need at which engine speed (and therefore massflow) for the combination of your ICE and the turbocharger that you have picked.
5. knock
- The knock tendency (I hope it's the correct word) can be calculated as the integral of the inverse of the ignition delay time
- It is a function of pressure and temperature (more pressure/temperature = more knock tendency)
I have already calculated knock tendencies and I would not bet that the concept "more pressure (and more A/F ratio) without intercooling" will reduce knock.
With intercooling it's something different, but as mentioned by gruntguru the energy will be lost.
I have picked up these certain points as I think these things are mixed up a bit in this discussion. I do not want to tell anybody here that one or the other concept is rubbish, but that it is extremely difficult to tell what could give an advantage.
But if it was easy, anybody could do it.