GitanesBlondes wrote:Ironically, the chassis is not a terribly expensive cost. Last I heard it was in the £1m range per chassis.
No, that's not where costs are going to be saved gentlemen. Talking about customer cars is a great sound bite that totally ignores that employing a staff of 400 or more, plus massive facilities, silly "green" engines, and aerodynamic refinement cost far more than 3-5 chassis per season.
Keep trying guys...I figure in another few years maybe 2% of the F1 fanbase might have some understanding of where the costs are concentrated.
Hint: It's not where or what the various journos like Joe Saward or others would tell you. They are nothing more than propaganda tools to be manipulated by the FIA and FOM.
Yes, I understand the chassis is relatively cheap. Sorry, I meant actually reducing the number of the design houses with their "staff of 400 or more plus massive facilities", and somehow limiting R&D. These are the most expensive costs from the teams side, I thought this was the limit of our discussion.
From the Bleacher Report in January this year,
Last October, according to Tom Cary of The Telegraph, CVC, "Formula One’s largest single shareholder, took a $865 million (£538 million) dividend in 2012," and that, "It is believed that CVC, who paid roughly $1 billion (£620 million) for the sport back in 2006, has now gained more than $2 billion (£1.24 billion) from the sport in the last 24 months."
The CVC are getting this money from the teams, host cities and selling TV rights, but we, the fans, are the ones who eventually end up paying... Just over $43 million profit per race in 2012 come on!!
The very best option would be to get the CVC to re-invest their dividend each year into the teams. I still struggle to understand how you sell the "rights" to something that is not tangible and them make $2 billion from it!