Agreed, but why? At what point did a "Constructors" competition become a "Engine Manufacturers" competition? Originally, a group of people came together to build a race car (Constructor) and in doing so, they went to suppliers for various parts they could not make themselves, sometimes custom made, sometimes off the shelf. It was up to the Constructor to decide what parts they wanted, including engine. If no one wanted an XYZ engine, bad luck to the Engine Manufacturer.flyboy2160 wrote:-guilt over doing something just for it's enjoyment and having both the liberty and money to do it. the F1 rulers - both the car guys and the FIA bureaucrats - sound like they feel they need to be doing something altruistic to save the world instead of just racing for the enjoyment of racing. They have neither the intellectual ammunition nor the courage to stand up and say "We do this because it's great fun!"
Now, it seems, the whole world is scared of loosing an Engine Manufacturer. Now, it seems, the whole sport is written around Engine Manufacturers, with Constructors little more than a side issue left to squander with no creative space and no room for imagination.
The art of being able to cobble together parts into a car and go fast is dead. We're left with little more than a few Engine Manufacturers hardballing regulations to fit their needs and wants, while trying to 'strap-on' gimmicks to give the fans want they think, we want.
Maybe they need to stop trying to save the world and worry about their own backyard?
RIP Constructors.