Yes but 20 years of aero and software development in between. Your comparison is invalid.sennaf1god.94 wrote:
Same chap, different aesthetics...
Yes but 20 years of aero and software development in between. Your comparison is invalid.sennaf1god.94 wrote:
Same chap, different aesthetics...
So you think it wasn´t rational that VAG, Toyota, BMW, PSA, Ford, Honda all wanted to stay away from the F1 Farce Racing...Tim.Wright wrote:How you have extrapolated that into "Ferrari are leaving F1 in 2014" is beyond any rational thought.
You finally noticed it...Tim.Wright wrote:Aesthetics are an output mate, not an input..
What does any of that have got to do with you blowing a design(Which is a photoshopped R18 + LaFerrari, by the way) that was shown for a brief moment to Di Montezemelo out of proportions?sennaf1god.94 wrote:So you think it wasn´t rational that VAG, Toyota, BMW, PSA, Ford, Honda all wanted to stay away from the F1 Farce Racing...Tim.Wright wrote:How you have extrapolated that into "Ferrari are leaving F1 in 2014" is beyond any rational thought.
When Honda will repeat the very same errors to fail again (only RedBull can save them from misery) and Renault is actually thinking about packing their costly merde out...
Ferrari is in a difficult position because they are realizing they don´t belong to F1, while tradition mandates them to compete in F1 they feel treated unfairly (meaning equally), so they will look at another tradition that mandates them winning LeMans...
I just can´t see any irational thought anywhere.
Then you don´t mind showing any official papers from Ferrari with that information in it?sennaf1god.94 wrote:Actually the Ferrari PU was conceived for tripple use since the very begginning of its development: F1, LMP1 and road legal versions:
Why mess around with a A1GP car when you have to build LaFerrari XX-cars and can just use one of those instead?sennaf1god.94 wrote:Guess what´s doing inside a LaFerrari istead of a A1GP Ferrari built cockpit???
I think it´s safe to say that the mule we saw was not only a testbed for the F1 engine but also for the XX.Be afraid. Ferrari is working on the most extreme production-derived car in its history: a hardcore, track-spec version of the heart-poundingly fast LaFerrari, dubbed the ‘XX'.
And Top Gear can exclusively reveal that the company has been working on a Formula One-derived V6 turbo hybrid powertrain for the car. ... 2014-04-29
No you know what it is? It´s a shitty photoshop-job where half the car you see is actually the Audi R18.sennaf1god.94 wrote:It´s a baseline render
This guy agreeing with me... but says it in way like if it was otherwise.SectorOne wrote: Why mess around with a A1GP car when you have to build LaFerrari XX-cars and can just use one of those instead?
Ok i see now... You´re a troll.sennaf1god.94 wrote:This guy agreeing with me... but says it in way like if it was otherwise.
Shall I change my avatar to a picture of Niko Hulkenberg's face photoshopped onto the body of the incredible hulk just to screw with that perception?Tim.Wright wrote:You have however confirmed my belief that its not possible to have a sensible technical discussion with anyone who has a driver in their avatar. I think I will leave it at that.
If any of you were intelligent enough, would understand by now that I´m somewhat campaigning for a change in favour of Fuelflow limits ban.wesley123 wrote:What does any of that have got to do with you blowing a design(Which is a photoshopped R18 + LaFerrari, by the way) that was shown for a brief moment to Di Montezemelo out of proportions?
Just to kill the boring until next someone intelligently pointed out.SectorOne wrote:Ok i see now... You´re a troll.sennaf1god.94 wrote:This guy agreeing with me... but says it in way like if it was otherwise.
Why is this thread even up? It´s obviously just a load of bull presented as facts.
Nope, but you reminded me of this:Lycoming wrote:Shall I change my avatar to a picture of Niko Hulkenberg's face photoshopped onto the body of the incredible hulk just to screw with that perception?Tim.Wright wrote:You have however confirmed my belief that its not possible to have a sensible technical discussion with anyone who has a driver in their avatar. I think I will leave it at that.
Which reminds me of someone who made a claim saying the Mercedes had no 8th gear and made a whole f´n show about it like you are now.sennaf1god.94 wrote:Just to kill the boring until next someone intelligently pointed out.
What´s wrong with it?
The general chat is so empty, I had to do something about it...