What can be done to make the engine louder?

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Re: What can be done to make the engine louder?


I posted this on the WO5 thread but I will repeat it here.

The answer is so simple. We did it as school boys. Just a piece of bicycle tube and the stick from a frozen sucker. F1 exhaust is a bit bigger so use a motorcycle or car inner tube.
Nice video of the effect:

The video really puts the whole idea of manipulated exhaust noise into proper perspective. Come on Bernie & FIA - is that really any different from what you are asking for. Its all fake.
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Re: What can be done to make the engine louder?


siskue2005 wrote:
notsofast wrote:Less noise is a good thing.
yeah maybe in a class room, not on a race track :wink:
In your opinion.... :wink:

I HATE going out the track with headache because of the sound, and I loved it, but everything should have its own limit :roll:

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Re: What can be done to make the engine louder?


I've moved some posts about exhasut noise into here from the W05 thread.

I've not moved all the ugliness of the trumpet exclamations into here because it disrupts the flow to move too many posts. They're parked for posterity :arrow: http://www.f1technical.net/forum/viewto ... =1&t=19300

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Re: What can be done to make the engine louder?


This is the dumbest thread ever. Sound has nothing to do with performance so drop it. Yes Sonic, I think MGP is making fun of the whole issue. The fans should just shut up and enjoy the show. To me it sounds similar to the 80's turbo era and those were some of the best F1 years, with McLaren, Williams Championship years.
I remember Detroit, how the cars sounded as they came toward us. It was like a pack of angry bees and it gave you goosebumps. Forward to Montreal in 93 and I almost lost my hearing when I got to close to the track as a couple of Ferrari V12s flew by. I'm curious to hear the new engines live though, its probably a lot different than what you hear on tv.

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Re: What can be done to make the engine louder?


the heck with the sound,,give me some performance and no contrived passing.
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Re: What can be done to make the engine louder?


FOM and FIA may hire some Honda sound engineers, to use a similar system like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVeSYyYzjhY to put some syntetic sound on tracks and tvs.

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Re: What can be done to make the engine louder?


was it jean todt who said that by half way through the season everyone will have forgotten about engine noise ?

can't remember when I last heard a whinge about it ...hooray !
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Re: What can be done to make the engine louder?


When a sport willing to adopt a total sham like double points tries something like this...


...the prudent move is to shut the hell up to avoid tempting further demonstrations of abject stupidity from the powers-that-be, which was probably the intended purpose of the trumpet test in the first place.

The cars still sound like ---.

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Re: What can be done to make the engine louder?


lebesset wrote:was it jean todt who said that by half way through the season everyone will have forgotten about engine noise ?

can't remember when I last heard a whinge about it ...hooray !
Well, I certainly haven't forgotten but since it is not going to change why keep on ranting about it every race?

At least the cars sound better (read louder) than the Audi LMP1. I heard that at the Ring prior to the 24h race and in the pits it sounds like a broken tractor and on the track you can hear the wind pressing it onto the tarmac, nothing else ;)

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Re: What can be done to make the engine louder?


What can be done to make the engine louder? I can solve that quite easily.

I'll just leave this here.
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Re: What can be done to make the engine louder?


The new engines remind of something....... oh yes......

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