bhall II wrote:
I dunno. None of it makes sense to my simple mind.
Hmmm, It probably makes sense in its own way.
I guess FIA received serious indications that Renault and possibly even also Ferrari might leave F1 rather short term if they are so helpless behind and don't see a chance to catch up probably even next year (which in the current rule set I would take almost as a given - they don't seem to have much of a clue what to do).
Looking at Merc's mighty mid range speed acceleration and top speed together with their DF Level, the 100HP (maybe it's just 80 - 90) doesn't seem completely unrealistic to me although I doubt it's all ERS. If I would have to make a guess I would have attributed almost half of it to ICE + Turbo.
FIA went too courageous with the new regs and is now getting scared of the results of their own decision.
The bad and somewhat unfair thing about is that it penalises a Team/manufacturer that simply did the best Job.
On the other Hand I can understand that they are now worried that Renault and possibly even Ferrari might kiss F1 goodbye end of the year.
Lesson to be learned: Make one step at a time. Too big changes bear the risk of significant consequences.