Interesting that you call that a fact and Charlie says exactly the opposite...
For me it is quite clear: The interconnection of the axles has nothing to do with "classic" roll-control, that you can find on every car. And if it starts to lift the car in an "unnatural" way (unnatural in contrast to a normal suspension) it does not comply with the rule about movable aero. It just moves the whole unsprung part.
And it's interesting you hang on to this. Go check the 2014 and 2015 technical regulation pdf.
There's no regulation forbidding interconnected suspension. You can argue how interesting or not this all day, but there's no single line about this.
Well, I thought it would be clear, that "inter" in "interconnection" stands for the "inter-axle-connection". I never saw the use of interconnection for Anti-roll bars.
"Every sort of".We can't be taken responsible for interpreting that in a wide sence, since it's described in the wide sence. You know well enough F1 has a long standing history of interpretation and reinterpetation, and as an extention: here.
For sure. Would be the second court this season about the question if technical directives are just an opinion or if you have to follow them. Last time they said the teams have to follow them...
Except this time it is not a technical directive. Clarifying a rule or laying down procedures and instructions related to the rule, that is a technical directive. Banning interconnected suspension that only works the dynanics of the car, that is a rule. Charley can try all that he wants, but abusing the system by trying to put it into a technical regulation is an ungrounded, unfounded move. Charley's word is not absolute, and has been overwritten on several occasions in the past.
No one can argue about roll-bars being passive. For me the system of the rear axle controlling the front axle over a complex system of valves and springs has nothing to do with passive. This is as passive as active suspension controlled by a computer. And this is what I read from the technical directive: No more control of the front axel with the rear axle and vice versa.
It is as reactive as anti-roll bars. It gets the same input from the same influencing factor. Just because it acts different through a different construction, does not make it active. Just because a passive system simulates results from an active system, does not make it active by itself.
You determine for yourself where you draw the line, but if you want to be thay strict then everything is active. Then no passive exist, because everything in the universe happens due an influence. But don't make the mistake that an anti-roll bar is less influenced then an interconnected system.