It's true that Amus doesn't always get it right (Ferrari engine safety) but in this case it makes sense. Ferrari is obvious direction even without technical details and only with rumours. Again: this "special meeting" springs to mind. About Boullier - I'd say smoke screen and auto-pilot denial, McL could hardly hide their happiness, I suspect especially for 2015. Red Bull is an interesting part, the fact that they have one of the better systems (rumours) doesn't mean they can't gain from banning it.CBeck113 wrote: Don't always believe what AMuS writes - two days earlier they said it was McLaren, and then Boullier came out with his statement...I believe that certain "factual articles" are actually just bait to get a statement from the teams.
Week before GP and the situation is still unclear - how is that acceptable, are they delaying banning it or not? Classic political F1, at least they learned from Silverstone and don't change their decisions three times.