Super capicator in MGU-H walls?

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Joined: 12 Jun 2008, 03:45

Super capicator in MGU-H walls?


Is it legal to have a super capicator built into the housing of the MGU-H?

I think the housing the Mercedes MGU-H has the layers of a super capacitor built into its walls. This could be the reason why Mercedes separate the compressor from the turbine so there is enough space to build in the a large supercapacitor.

The super cap gets charged when there is exccess energy from the MGU-H that cannot go through the MGU-K to the wheels nor the Li-ion Battery. The energy is released when power is needed.

This is my theory why Mercedes can use the regulated 160hp over a wider time range than other teams.

Racing Green in 2028

Joined: 02 Oct 2013, 19:31

Re: Super capicator in MGU-H walls?


It is illegal to store energy outside of the energy store as far as I know. So if Mercedes was doing this they would probably be disqualified.