F1 considering success ballast to level playing field
Why not first post your own thoughts?gray41 wrote:F1 considering success ballast to level playing field
Step one would be to perhaps consult the fans a bit before you sit and think up idiotic ideas you think will work because you are so detached from reality it´s scary.Formula 1 bosses met on Saturday morning in Hungary to discuss more ideas to increase the sporting spectacle and draw more fans to the sport.
Qualifying should be for points, then start the race in reverse of championship order. I mean... Go big or go home. If we wanna destroy f1, let's go all theway. Meritocracies aren't "entertaining" enough, apparently.Juzh wrote:Given recent decisions by fia and fom this is probably first step towards reverse grids.
Levels the playing field? What a load of tosh on FIA's part. Any team can level the field by doing a better job. The nature of F1 is to design and build the best car and get the best driver you can to drive it. This isn't a democratic system, it's a pure meritocracy. The best team wins, the rest don't.wesley123 wrote: It levels the playing field and gives others the ability to win
Is that real?Juzh wrote:Briatore to head up F1's popularity working group
I really can't wait so see what kind of BS they dig up this time.
Sport?George-Jung wrote: I think this could potentially be a good thing for the sport ....