kooleracer wrote:I can only imagine that Alonso is waiting on Lewis Hamilton.
Funny i thought the same thing too.
I also tend to think he is throwing signals/hints left right and centre every time he speaks
"You never know year to year how things change and you need to study the projects, you need to see what are the prospects
"At the moment my priority in the past, the present and the future is Ferrari
“I have a very ambitious plan in my head for my future. I think that this is the best thing for Ferrari as well. If that happens people will be very, very excited – as I am. I am extremely happy and all the things in the last two or three months follow exactly the plan that I had.
"I am extremely lucky and privileged to choose more or less where I want to go. I have the doors open in many places and we've seen the difficulty of some small teams, some drivers who are fighting for the seat even in this day. I feel very lucky not to have those problems and to more or less choose where I want to go.
When it was suggested the decision represented his ‘last chance saloon’ to win a coveted third world title, Alonso acknowledged: “Probably, yes.”
That's just a select few from some recent interviews. What i get from that is he is considering a few teams i.e projects. He isn't ruling out Ferrari. It's his choice in his eyes which ever choice he picks - everyone is waiting on him as we expected. He is going to go where he can win the title.
But i keep wondering, what will people be very excited about if it happens??? People got very excited (ferrari fans) when he went there, i can't imagine the same if he goes back to macca.
The thing is ferrari MUST know the plan, no? Else they have 3 top drivers on there books next year and they need to pay someone millions to leave?
And we all thought Alonso was left with just macca as the only option. So why not get the deal done and dusted before he loses that too?
My guess? Nothing is as it seems.