I forget about what happened. Anyone care to bring me up to speed, please?allan wrote:Reminds me of last year's Chinese Gp.
I forget about what happened. Anyone care to bring me up to speed, please?allan wrote:Reminds me of last year's Chinese Gp.
ds.raikkonen wrote:+1....I almost started liking him, until now...im back to square one...remember the ruckus he created in Monza 2006 when the stewards charged him for blocking Massa....and the s#$%^* face of Flavio Briatore shaking like it was his death sentence or something....after Schumi 'parked' his car at La Rascasse.Saribro wrote:Typical Alonso behaviour, he gets under pressure in the championship and he starts shouting the world is against him. Been there, done that, let's just move along...
I'd like to clarify...Rob W wrote:On this note. When are people going to get in their heads: HAMILTON WAS NEVER GOING TO GET PAST ALONSO AT MONACO!f1.redbaron wrote:..Hamilton being told to back off so that Alonso could win...
f1.redbaron wrote:I'd like to clarify...Rob W wrote:On this note. When are people going to get in their heads: HAMILTON WAS NEVER GOING TO GET PAST ALONSO AT MONACO!f1.redbaron wrote:..Hamilton being told to back off so that Alonso could win...
I never said that Hamilton was denied victory (at least I didn't mean to make it sound like that), but Alonso's job was made a lot easier when his only competitor in that race was told to back-off.
You said that the only way that Hamilton was going to win was if Alonso crashed...so yeah, there was a chance. Put enough pressure on him, and he is could make a mistake (he made 4 identical mistakes during the last race). During the Turkish GP 2005, Alonso's determination to put pressure on Montoya paid off when Montoya ran wide right towards the end of the race. So, in Monaco, where the room for error is much smaller, such scenarios are not inconceivable.
But there is another possibility. What if Hamilton had managed to line up just right, and try to pass him at the start/finish line, similar to what Michael tried to do to Ralf in Monaco '05?
The point is that as soon as something goes wrong, Alonso is using media to vent some of the frustration. Up until now, we have seen him get angry when his competitor (Michael or Kimi) was closing the gap in points. But now, Alonso is the one who needs to catch up and I think that the interview we had seen, is only the sample of what is to come.
Hamilton would have lost probably even more time stuck behind a train of two-stopping drivers when he pitted mid-race. Likewise he would have driven proportionally more on each of the tires giving him a 50/50 chance of having a larger percentage of the race on tires he didn't like.Seas wrote:What will happen if Ron did not changed Hamilton strategy and left him on one pit stop strategy? What will happen in this situation?
i don't think so.Rob W wrote:Hamilton would have lost probably even more time stuck behind a train of two-stopping drivers when he pitted mid-race. Likewise he would have driven proportionally more on each of the tires giving him a 50/50 chance of having a larger percentage of the race on tires he didn't like.Seas wrote:What will happen if Ron did not changed Hamilton strategy and left him on one pit stop strategy? What will happen in this situation?
I agree 100 % with you man, I dont think people should dig a lot into this remark, Fernando is just trying to find feet in a "british team and a british teammate" combination. Its just that at Renault, when he wanted something done, there were no questions asked but McLaren being a huge setup and also when you have a teammate who is adored by everyone in the team, you tend to be dwarfed by the situation and try to accept the reality. FA is not a kid any more who would kick a football between test sessions, he is getting mature, through driving for a thoroughly professional and committed team, so let the lad find his space and he will shine.............I wouldn't worry about them comment too much. I think Fernando's got a point in fact.
Fernando has arrived from renult where the team were pretty much built around him, this isnt the case anymore.
Furthermore we have to remember regardless of the advantages that FA got in the beginning (fuel strategy etc.) I think what Fernando is talking about is that the MECHANICS will be more behind Lewis, which - seeing as not only is he British but he's the next British Superstar - makes perfect sence.
Lastly I don't think Fernando means too much harm, he and Lewis still seem quirte friendly from what I can see (pics, vids etc @ the races), Fernando did say "I'm not going to complain about it" because he understands WHY its happening and does not see it as a "problem" and thirdly I've always seen Fernando as a bit like Jose Morinhno...He plays a phycological game.
Another point is that Fernando can be lured into that sort of comment by a reporter, say the reporter asked "Your performance hasn't been what we expected so far, are you still trying to get comfortable in the team?" Fernando's answer which was pretty much "Well tbh I haven't been 100% comfortable at Mclaren since I got here." and then when asked to give details ould (and did) basically say "Well, you have to understand its a british team with a british driver...but I wont complain about it, as its understandble that this attitude will develop towards a "home" driver, if you get what I mean."
It just depends on what you want to believe though.
It sounds to me like Lewis is really keeping his cool on this one, and Fernando is getting into a hissy fit....really strange, but I think Fernando knows his days of unrivaled competition within his team are gone...here now is Hamilton in the same car. I mean think about it, Fisi never worried Alonso. We all think about how difficult it is for Hamilton to deal with this situation, but he's never seen anything different. Alonso simply got accustomed to a certain level of status and domination within his own team, I don't think he knows how to handle the internal pressure and competition in a positive way, yet."Coming into the team ... he is a two-time champion, he has not really been challenged. He's had some challenges, but not someone as close as me and as good a friend off the track. So it is a very difficult situation."