MOWOG wrote: Delivering the sport to a bunch of rabid fans actually seated in the stands and paying good money for the privilege? Meh,,,,,if they come, they come. If they don't, it doesn't make that much difference to us.
No matter how you slice it, the fans have become irrelevant to the money making process. Which is why the racing is so out of whack. Pleasing the fans has little to nothing to do with the financial success of the sport.
I have trouble understanding how that can possibly be a sustainable business model.
Because you´re a smart person and it´s not a sustainable business model
This is from Italy, but global numbers are the same, only that I didn´t find a graph wich is more illustrative. Pleasing the fans may have little to do with the financial success of the sport..... in the short term, but in the long term they are the only reason for F1 success. At some point BE forgot this lesson, maybe when his bank account reached 10 digits ...
He´s been trying to hide this reality bringing F1 to new countries with no F1 tradition where there are some millions of potential viewers to increase the audience. China, India, Singapore, Abu Dabhi, Rusia, Turkey, Malaysia.... those are many millions to increase the audience. But even so audience is decreasing, so you can make a guess about what´s going on on countries with F1 tradition
F1 is passing away, that´s the true, it may be a slow process, but unstoppable with current politics. BE is too worried about his bank account now, he´s literally bleeding F1