-Felix- wrote:I see what you mean. For me, an optimal setup doesn't exist because it is not possible to achieve. Simply because you can not see into future. You always have to work with best guess in some area, which means you can only come as close as possible to it. No race engineer ever has found this mathematical optimum and it will never happen. So in my view, it is impossible to have the optimal setup, you can only come close to it. But since there may be more than 1 setup that comes as close to this optimum, there is not "the one". See my point?
I'd downvote this as factually incorrect, several times, but alas, the system doesn't allow me to.
First of all, you're moving the goalposts: you've gone from "the optimal setup doesn't exist" to "it's not possible to achieve". Next time you can argue that since you cannot represent most floats exactly in computers, this hurts car setup. Using your reasoning, you could also argue that limits don't exist. Or that the hare never catches the tortoise.
Second, perfect_laptime(setup) is a multidimensional function that is reasonably continuous (discontinuities being caused undrivable setups). The region of interest is closed and bound (either by regulations or by spring characteritics). Our function is lower-bound by c/l (c is speed of light in vacuum, l is the chord of the track). If you want, we can raise this lower limit to v_term/l, with v_term being, say, the 400-something kph achieved by Honda in Utah. Whatever. As a consequence, a global laptime minimum (optimal setup) exists. Bolzanno's theorem generalised to N dimensions.
And third: you don't need a setup precission to the nanoscale anyway. It is enough to be within 1 ms of the optimal laptime, given the current regulations.
Back to the original question, I don't think it's likely anybody runs the absolute ideal setup, even if they knew it. If you define your opimum around best qualy time, then you have to compromise for two tire compounds plus fuel plus drivability in a 2h race. Since points are awarded on sunday, you may well want to define your optimum from the shortest race time. From a strategic point of view, you'd take the optimum race setup if you could qualify on pole with that. Else, you start gambling with how many positions you think you can win/lose, and whether track position is important (say Spa) or fundamental (Monaco).
I am not amazed by F1 cars in Monaco. I want to see them driving in the A8 highway: Variable radius corners, negative banking, and extreme narrowings that Tilke has never dreamed off. Oh, yes, and "beautiful" weather tops it all.
"Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future." Niels Bohr